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12 SMART Minimalist Habits That are LIFE Changing

Minimalism has grown increasingly popular in recent years as a lifestyle that promotes intentional living with less. At its core, minimalism is about carefully curating your belongings and activities to determine what adds value and meaning and removing anything that doesn’t. This subtraction process creates physical and mental space for what’s most essential. By stripping

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Why I’m So Frugal

Frugality often needs to be correctly understood. Some see it as a sign of stinginess or a lack of ambition. But for me, being frugal is a conscious choice, deeply rooted in my values and lifestyle preferences. In today’s consumer-driven society, frugality often takes a backseat. Yet, when we delve into why I’m so frugal,

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Budgeting Basics

Budgeting Basics

Creating and consistently following a household budget is one of the most fundamental yet highly beneficial skills for achieving long-term financial health and stability. However, many people find the budgeting process overwhelming, confusing, or painfully tedious. As a result, they never dedicate the time and effort required to get started budgeting properly. This leaves their

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10 Frugal Living Tips

10 Frugal Living Tips to Live Through a Recession: Save Your Money (Frugal Living Tips)

With high inflation and economic uncertainty, we have likely entered recession territory. Trimming expenses and saving money are critical to withstand challenging times. Implementing frugal living strategies allows you to take control of your finances. Here are ten tips to live frugally in 2023. Make a Budget and Track Spending Analyze the past few months’

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Poor vs. Rich Hobbies

Poor vs. Rich Hobbies

When looking at poor versus rich hobbies, there lies information on how socioeconomic status can influence leisure pursuits. While it’s easy to categorize activities based on economic accessibility, the reality is far more nuanced. From the universal appeal of particular pastimes to the democratizing effect of the digital age, hobbies paint a complex picture of

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Top 13 books every business owner should read

Top 13 Books Every Business Owner Should Read

The entrepreneurship journey is filled with challenges, opportunities, and continuous learning. To help navigate this path, countless books offer invaluable insights. The intricate world of business ownership can be daunting, but the right resources can make all the difference. Among these resources, books are valuable tools, offering insights, strategies, and inspiration. By reading business books,

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How to Create a 3 Fund Portfolio_ A Beginner's Guide

How to Create a 3 Fund Portfolio: A Beginner’s Guide

Investing can seem complicated, with countless options and strategies to choose from. But a simple 3-fund portfolio may be one of the best places to start for beginner investors looking for a straightforward, low-cost approach. Investing can seem daunting for beginners with so many potential assets to choose from and strategies to research. But starting

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Frugal Living & Minimalism- Can you be both

Frugal Living & Minimalism: Can You Be Both?

Frugal living and minimalism have surged in popularity as lifestyles that enable saving money, reducing stress, and focusing on what’s truly important. Frugality is about intentional spending and saving, while minimalism calls for decluttering life and living with purpose over possessions. While differing in execution, both produce similar benefits. Blending frugal and minimalist practices allows

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