10 Ways to Labor Towards Trading Success

          On this Labor Day when many are off work for a paid holiday I am working, looking at charts, planning, thinking and reading. Pondering what Tuesday trading may bring. Trading is NOT the path to easy money nor free money. Trading is work and a  profession like any other, traders […]

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Do You Trade like Captain Kirk or Mr. Spock?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Discretionary Traders Vs Systematic Traders In the classic Star Trek movies and television show Captain Kirk believed in his abilities to make the best decisions in the circumstances he found himself in. Mr. Spock contrasted against Kirk’s leadership style by using logic and reason along with probabilities of success to make the best

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Stock Options: 10 Ways to Move From Peril to Profits

Fish see the bait, but not the hook; men see the profit, but not the peril. Chinese proverb. Stock options are not lottery tickets, chips in a casino, or a path to easy street. They are tools for the transference of risk from one person to the other. When trading options you must understand where

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