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Elon Musk Tweets

Elon Musk Quotes

Here are ten of my favorite Elon Musk quotes for motivation, education and to help you stay on the right path to your goals.  “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” – Elon Musk “It is important to view knowledge as sort of a semantic tree

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best psychology books

Best Psychology Books

Here are 50 of the best psychology books every published based on the book 50 Psychology Classics Second Edition: Your shortcut to the most important ideas on the mind, personality, and human nature. by Tom Butler-Bowdon. 1 Alfred Adler Understanding Human Nature (1927) 2 Gordon Allport The Nature of Prejudice (1954) 3 Albert Bandura Self-Efficacy:

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best day to buy stocks

Best Day to Buy Stocks

Historically there has been a pattern of stocks selling off on Monday’s. The pattern has varied each year but it remains a pattern even over the past few years. This tendency has been so pronounced that a book was even written about it in 1987, “Don’t Sell Stocks on Monday” by Yale Hirsch. Each day

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low float stocks

Low Float Stocks

Low float stocks have a low number of shares issued in relation to high float stocks. Low float stocks usually have more volatile price action than larger float stocks. With fewer shares in the market buying and selling has a higher impact on price movement. Low float stocks tend to have larger bid/ask spreads and

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hard work quotes

Hard Work Quotes

The path to success is a journey down the road of hard work. The energy you need to do the work that leads to accomplishing your goals is created through your passion for winning. Some of the hardest work is thinking, most people prefer to go with the flow of their life circumstances than slow

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Payment for Order Flow

Payment for Order Flow

Payment for order flow (PFOF) is the payment of up to one cent per share, that stockbrokers can receive from market makers in return for the broker routing trades for their customers to that market maker. It has been a practice under heavy criticism from retail traders being called a kickback and front running orders.

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