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10 Things A Trader Needs to Give Up if They Want to Make Money

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            We are so focused on adding to our trading arsenal with knowledge, books, chart patterns, indicators, moving averages, gurus, securities for our watch list and what ever else we believe will help us make money we forget what we need to remove from our trading routine that does not work. One of the

10 Things A Trader Needs to Give Up if They Want to Make Money Read More »


That Day The New Trader Wakes Up Looks Like This…..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            At some point traders should have that break through day where they are tired of losing and ready to start making money. There should be a day where eyes are opened that what we were doing was just not working. We are ready for change, we are ready to listen, and learn. We

That Day The New Trader Wakes Up Looks Like This….. Read More »


The Five Key Lessons That Give New Traders An Edge

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Learning to trade is a process, and it is same for everyone. The traders that think they are exceptions to the process of trading education generally learn the hard way that they confuse bull markets for genius or market conditions for skills. It is easy to lose or make money in the markets,

The Five Key Lessons That Give New Traders An Edge Read More »

i wish i knew then. 62279

10 Things I Wished I Knew When I First Started Trading

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Some days I wish I could travel back in time 15 years and teach myself what I have learned in the markets the hard way. I was fortunate to make money early on with the benefit of the nineties bull market, I just wished I would have known then how to keep all

10 Things I Wished I Knew When I First Started Trading Read More »

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The 10 Most Helpful Things Rich Traders Have Ever Said

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In my reading of hundreds of trading books and my endless research on rich traders, I have come across many quotes that are very powerful. These principles could really change the entire dynamic of a new traders plans and methods.  Here are my favorite ten that I not only love but have made huge

The 10 Most Helpful Things Rich Traders Have Ever Said Read More »