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Ten Ingredients That Make A Great Trader

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Here are ten things I believe are needed to be a great trader. It will surprise some that predicting, stubbornness, reading a balance sheet, or stock picking is not on here. It is all a game of risk management, mind, and a robust system. Everything else is just noise.  Passion for trading, only passion

Ten Ingredients That Make A Great Trader Read More »

Psychotic Troll

The 10 Common Habits of Trading Trolls

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Social Media is a fun place for traders to interact with other like minded  traders, but there are many people online that for whatever reason want to try to spoil the fun. They always bring a negative wake wherever they go. They are more interested in tearing people down than adding value to

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fake sta article

You Might Be Following a Fake Trader on Social Media if…..

                                                                                                                                                            With this new frontier of Social Media we are the first to explore it and see what it really means to the world. To me being involved on Social Media gives me a chance to connect with great traders from around the world, both those seasoned traders I can learn from and those

You Might Be Following a Fake Trader on Social Media if….. Read More »