What is FOMO

What is FOMO?

What is FOMO? FOMO is an acronym that stands for the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ on an opportunity, event, or chance to make money.  FOMO originally came from the feeling people had on social media when they saw other people having fun on social media somewhere else and had the feeling of missing out on […]

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coronavirus news

Why the Coronavirus Dropped the Stock Market

Why did the Coronavirus drop the stock market so fast? The stock market is a forward looking investment mechanism and is always pricing in the future earnings expectations today. The Coronavirus is a highly contagious and dangerous illness that has already caused the quarantine of Chinese cities, Italian towns, cruise ships, and travellers returning home

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Data Analysis

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the process of analyzing information through filtering it to transform the raw data into useable models.  The goal is to uncover highly probably conclusions that can be used for an an edge in future decision making after seeing repeatable patterns of behavior from the data.   Data analytics is reliant on applying statistics

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