Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett Investing System

Warren Buffett’s Favorite Things

Here are thirteen of Warren Buffett’s favorite things.  Warren Buffett’s favorite investing book: “The book that had the most impact on my life was ‘The Intelligent Investor’ by Ben Graham.” he says. Warren Buffett’s favorite book: Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street by John Brooks Warren Buffett’s favorite index fund is the […]

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Warren Buffett Investing System

Warren Buffett’s Favorite Investing System

Warren Buffett thought the management fees that hedge funds charged investors was ridiculous based on their historical returns in comparison to the markets. So Mr. Buffett set up a challenge for the hedge fund industry in 2008. One fund accepted his challenge, Protégé Partners LLC, and they made a million-dollar bet on who could produce

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