
Trading Tweets Of the Week: 12/19/14

Here are the minutes from the last FOMC meeting. — Rudolf E. Havenstein (@RudyHavenstein) December 19, 2014 Congrats playa — Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) December 19, 2014 So Citi thinks Instagram is worth $35 billion. Do you remember that Citi once thought Vikram Pandit's hedge fund was worth $800 million? — Downtown Josh

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Trading Tweets of the Week 11/7/14

@SJosephBurns the inches between your ears — John (@john_turnipseed) November 6, 2014 @SJosephBurns @ChrisGrobbel @RobInTheBlack It’s called the SAMPAP pattern: Screw As Many People As Possible — Northy (@NorthmanTrader) November 5, 2014 Pretend your entire portfolio was oil stocks for the last month, that’s what 2008 felt like — D Robertson (@IncomeTrader) November 4, 2014

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