
The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

Positivity, a term frequently tossed around in conversations, books, and media, often remains elusive for many. It’s a term that is easy to utter yet challenging to comprehend fully and even more difficult to embody consistently. Despite its elusive nature, positivity is a potent, transformative energy that can significantly shape our lives. It’s not just […]

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Your Brain is Wired for Negative Thoughts

Your Brain is Wired for Negative Thoughts. Here’s How to Change It.

Have you ever dwelled on the small amount of negativity in a situation and ignored all the positivity? You’re not alone, and there’s a scientific explanation for it. It’s not just you; it’s your brain’s negativity bias. But don’t fret; this predisposition towards negativity can be understood and combated. This article will guide you on

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How to Generate Ideas The CREATIVE Mindset

How to Generate Ideas: The CREATIVE Mindset

Creativity, the lifeblood of innovation, thrives in every field, from technology to art, business to science. It’s the driving force behind groundbreaking discoveries and revolutionary ideas. At the heart of this creative process lies the CREATIVE mindset, a powerful tool for idea generation. The CREATIVE mindset, an acronym for Curiosity, Resilience, Experimentation, Adaptability, Tenacity, Imagination,

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Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset

Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset: What’s the Difference?

In this blog post, I’ll dive deep into a realm that subtly shapes our realities. We’ll explore scarcity and abundance – two contrary mentalities with profound implications. The scarcity and abundance mindsets are contrary mentalities because they fundamentally differ in how they view the world and its resources. A scarcity mindset views life as a

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How to Stop Overthinking, Stressing and Worrying

How to Stop Overthinking, Stressing and Worrying (3 Ways that WORK!)

There’s an often unrecognized pandemic afflicting our world with pervasive consequences. It’s not a physical ailment but a mental one—incessant overthinking, stress, and worry. These burdens weigh heavily on minds, making life an exhausting uphill battle. This article aims to provide a road map to a healthier state of mind, presenting three effective methods to

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6 mental models to add to your thinking toolbox

Systems Thinking: 6 Mental Models to Add to Your Thinking Toolbox

We all have our ways of making sense of the world. We see a situation, digest the information, and react based on our understanding. This cognitive process is built around mental models – the frameworks that shape our thoughts, understanding, and responses. In this article, I will share six systems-thinking mental models that can give

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