
Paul Tudor Jones: We are getting ready to deploy our recession playbook

Paul Tudor Jones: We are getting ready to deploy our recession playbook

Paul Tudor Jones became famous after appearing in the PBS documentary The Trader in 1987 where he anticipated a stock market crash. He used stock index futures to triple his capital under management during the Black Monday crash in 1987 with large short positions while most other traders were ruined or suffered huge losses. His

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Becoming a Millionaire: Roth IRA vs 401K (What makes the most profit)

Becoming a Millionaire: Roth IRA vs 401K (What makes the most profit)

Roth IRAs and traditional 401K accounts are designed to enable people to save money in investment accounts by offering tax advantages. These retirement accounts were meant to replace the defined employer pension plans of the past. With a pension plan an employee received a defined payment every month from their employer based on years of

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The Difference Between Saving, Investing, and Speculating

The Difference Between Saving, Investing, and Speculating

There is a big difference between saving, investing and speculating with money. Savings is putting money away safely for future use in a low interest account. Investing is putting capital into an asset of value for either potential cash flow or appreciation. Speculating is betting on an asset increasing dramatically in value mostly due to

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speculating vs investing

Speculating vs Investing

“An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.” – Benjamin Graham Example of Investment and Speculation An investment is buying an asset with intrinsic value that has cash flow and/or physical asset value. Speculating is buying something in an

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best books for financial literacy

Best Books for Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the ability to understand and apply a range of financial skills effectively. It applies to successful personal financial decisions and management like monthly budgets, saving, investing, and establishing a career to pay living expenses. Financial literacy means people can become self-sufficient and not need to live with parents or family as they

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