Author name: Steve Burns

After a lifelong fascination with financial markets, Steve began investing in 1993 and trading his accounts in 1995. It was love at first trade. After more than 30 successful years in the markets, Steve now dedicates his time to helping traders improve their psychology and profitability. New Trader U offers an extensive blog resource with more than 4,000 original articles, online courses, and best-selling books covering various topics.

What Makes Money In the Markets & Some Performance Histories of Methods

Before you launch your trading career or continue it, it is important to ensure that your trading method works. This is where the homework comes in. Chart studies, computer back testing, the study of the success and failure rate of chart patterns, how monster stocks performed historically, and eyeballing charts around specific price action back […]

What Makes Money In the Markets & Some Performance Histories of Methods Read More »

Smaller trading

7 Reasons Why Trading Smaller Is Better

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Do you want to drastically improve your trading? Simple, TRADE SMALLER, risk less, cut losses sooner, but still let winners run. The 1%-2% maximum risk per trade rule can dramatically improve your trading by limiting draw downs and still leaving the upside open for big winners. When you risk smaller amounts of your

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One Simple Rule Makes All the Difference

Ten Golden Trading Rules That Can Help New Traders

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ten Golden Trading Rules That Can Help New Traders Never add too a losing trade. In adding to a losing trade you are already wrong but now become more wrong with a bigger trading size. Adding to losers makes you a counter trend trader that usually ends badly. Never lose more than 1% to

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best performing stocks 2019

Reacting versus Predicting in Trading

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Most of the best traders I have read about and know of personally do not predict what will happen they trade what is happening. New traders always want to predict, they want to argue about their beliefs and why something must happen or will happen. Most rich traders are rich because they are

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Option Traders 7 Common Mistakes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Fish see the bait, but not the hook; men see the profit, but not the peril.“ -Chinese proverb Options are both one of the greatest wealth building tools ever created and a quick way to lose all your trading capital if you over leverage and disregard the odds of your trade. Options can literally

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kierkegaard quote

Don’t be Fooled: Here is What Successful Trading is Not:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A lot of trading is counter intuitive when it comes to price action. Also a lot of things that new traders see leads them to believe that there is some magic short cut to success. If trading was really as easy as so many subscription services try to sell it as then there

Don’t be Fooled: Here is What Successful Trading is Not: Read More »

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The 10 Mental Errors That New Traders Make

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The weakest link to any trading strategy is the trader that is executing it. It is usually the mental and emotional errors of the trader that cause 90% of traders to lose money. Trading success is determined more by the mindset of the trader, than their skills with math, economics, or macro knowledge. The

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