Author name: Steve Burns

After a lifelong fascination with financial markets, Steve began investing in 1993 and trading his accounts in 1995. It was love at first trade. After more than 30 successful years in the markets, Steve now dedicates his time to helping traders improve their psychology and profitability. New Trader U offers an extensive blog resource with more than 4,000 original articles, online courses, and best-selling books covering various topics.

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35 Top Destroyers of Trading Capital

When I asked my Facebook trading group what was the cause of their biggest trading losses, no one had any trouble remembering those painful and valuable lessons. These top 30 insightful answers will benefit new traders and provide a nice reminder for those with more experience. “What was the cause of the biggest draw downs […]

35 Top Destroyers of Trading Capital Read More »

Trading Tweets Of the Week: 12/19/14

Here are the minutes from the last FOMC meeting. — Rudolf E. Havenstein (@RudyHavenstein) December 19, 2014 Congrats playa — Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) December 19, 2014 So Citi thinks Instagram is worth $35 billion. Do you remember that Citi once thought Vikram Pandit's hedge fund was worth $800 million? — Downtown Josh

Trading Tweets Of the Week: 12/19/14 Read More »