Author name: Julianna Summers

Calming Anxiety With Your Body’s Built-in Anti-Anxiety Response

Calming Anxiety With Your Body’s Built-in Anti-Anxiety Response

Anxiety, a familiar foe to many, weaves a complex web of worry and fear. It’s not merely an emotional state; it manifests in the body with a racing heart, cold sweat, or interrupted restful night’s sleep. Yet, the body may hold the key to combating these symptoms. Our biological systems offer a counterbalance to this […]

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How to Waste Your Life and Be Miserable

How to Waste Your Life and Be Miserable (or how to live and be happy)

Welcome to exploring life’s quintessential quest – the pursuit of happiness. This comprehensive journey unfolds the intricate layers of human emotions, unearthing the secrets of a joyful, purposeful existence. Each note in the symphony of life represents an emotion, with happiness acting as the most sought-after melody. It is a universal goal, transcending the boundaries

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How to never be lazy in the morning

How to Never Be Lazy in the Morning (A simple strategy for an insane morning routine)

The piercing sound of an alarm interrupting a peaceful slumber is a universal experience. This reluctant transition from the warmth of the bed to the challenges of a new day is often accompanied by a state of inertia known as morning laziness. This lethargy can extend into the early hours of the day, curtailing productivity

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How to Create a Budget

Budgeting for Beginners – How to Make a Budget From Scratch 2023

The financial world might seem daunting, particularly to those just beginning to navigate its waters. A critical aspect to understand and master in this realm is budgeting. In its simplest form, budgeting involves planning your income and expenses, giving you a clear picture of your financial situation. A well-structured budget acts as a compass, directing

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Rewiring the Anxious Brain- Neuroplasticity and the Anxiety Cycle- Anxiety Skills

Rewiring the Anxious Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Anxiety Cycle: Anxiety Skills

In personal development and self-improvement, mindset emerges as a commanding force. Essentially, it is our cognitive perspective, mental attitudes toward a range of situations we come across, our self-concept, and our interpretation of the vast world that surrounds us. Carrying considerable power, our mindset shapes our perceptions, steers our decisions, and instigates our actions. This

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Mindset, an intangible yet potent force, is the cognitive lens through which we interpret our realities, self-concept, and world. It encompasses the thoughts and beliefs that shape our understanding of the world and guide our actions. More than just a buzzword in psychology, mindset forms the foundation of our attitudes and approaches toward life’s varied

How To Change Your Mindset (RESET YOUR MINDSET FOR SUCCESS) Read More »

How I Learned to Love Being Alone And How You Can Too

How I Learned to Love Being Alone (And How You Can Too)

During the earlier stages of my life, the concept of solitude would invoke an overwhelming sense of fear and dread. It was synonymous with loneliness and isolation, evoking the daunting prospect of being alone. Fast forward to the present day, solitude has transformed into a sanctuary of self-discovery, growth, and serenity. This shift was not

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How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You

In a world permeated by social interactions, our lives often echo with the whisper of others’ opinions. However, there comes a moment when this whisper swells into a deafening roar, thundering through every aspect of our existence. As intrinsically social creatures, we frequently look outward for approval and validation, consciously or subconsciously. However, excessive reliance

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