Author name: Julianna Summers

How to Feel Happier at Work – 10 Ways to Completely Shift Your Mindset 2

How to Feel Happier at Work – 10 Ways to Completely Shift Your Mindset

As the pace of modern work life quickens and work demands become increasingly taxing, the essential aspect of personal happiness at work is often overlooked. One’s mindset, a vital cog in professional machinery, plays an instrumental role in shaping our work experiences. It can significantly influence our perception of our work environment, job satisfaction, and […]

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Catastrophizing- How to Stop Making Yourself Depressed and Anxious

Catastrophizing: How to Stop Making Yourself Depressed and Anxious

Catastrophizing, a term with foreboding connotations, signifies a prevalent cognitive distortion many individuals unknowingly engage in. This psychological pattern entails imagining the most severe, detrimental outcome in any given situation. Over an extended period, such negative mental tendencies can pave the way for more severe mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Fortunately, various cognitive

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How to Feel Happier at Work – 10 Ways to Completely Shift Your Mindset

How to Feel Happier at Work – 10 Ways to Completely Shift Your Mindset

In the hustle and bustle of modern work life, happiness often gets side-lined. Mindset, a vital cog in the wheel of our professional life, can significantly alter our work experience. This article delves into how we can shift our mindset to increase happiness at work. Understanding Your Current Mindset A mindset, simply put, is a

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5 signs you lack CONFIDENCE

5 Signs You Lack CONFIDENCE

Welcome to this enlightening exploration of self-confidence, a fundamental aspect of our personal and professional lives. This article delves into the often overlooked signs of low self-confidence, offering insights into how these subtle indicators can affect our overall well-being and personal growth. Self-confidence, a belief in one’s abilities, is the driving force behind our progress

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Meditation and Going Beyond Mindfulness

Meditation and Going Beyond Mindfulness – A Secular Perspective

Meditation, long confined to religious and spiritual domains, has found a new home in our secular society. Meditation here is not a spiritual pursuit but a practical method to cultivate a healthier mind. Mindfulness, a popular type of meditation, has undoubtedly garnered the limelight. But what lies beyond mindfulness? This article explores the evolution of

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10 Time Management Tips to Boost Your Productivity

10 Time Management Tips to Boost Your Productivity

Mastering time management has become an indispensable skill in a fast-paced world characterized by relentless competition and escalating demands. Our time is our most valuable asset, yet is finite and irretrievable. When we manage our time effectively, we create an environment conducive to productivity and success. If you’ve ever found yourself overwhelmed by the sheer

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