Author name: Julianna Summers



The profound influence of positive thinking is multifaceted, reaching far beyond the confines of enhancing mood. It acts as an incredibly potent force, capable of reshaping our lives in many beneficial ways. When we foster optimism, we erect a robust protective barrier against the debilitating effects of stress, fortify our physical health, and equip ourselves […]

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How To Be Happy With Yourself


What does it mean to be truly happy with oneself? It’s a question that has challenged philosophers, psychologists, and ordinary people for centuries. In essence, being happy with oneself – achieving inner happiness – is about finding a sense of peace and fulfillment within ourselves. It’s about living authentically, appreciating who we are, and feeling

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The Law of Attraction and How To Use It

The Law Of Attraction – How It Really Works and How To Use It

The Law of Attraction is an age-old principle that suggests that our words, thoughts, and emotions can shape our reality. This concept is deeply ingrained in the notion that like attracts like. But what does this mean? Simply, it implies that our mind operates like a magnet, drawing situations and experiences that align with our

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9 Things Every 20 Something Needs to Learn BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE

9 Things Every 20 Something Needs to Learn BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE

The journey through your twenties can often feel like sailing across an uncharted sea, teeming with new experiences and unexpected challenges. This decade serves as a bridge between the carefree days of adolescence and the weighty responsibilities of adulthood, marking a transformative period in a person’s life. It’s a time filled with life-altering opportunities, significant

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The Complete Guide to Developing Your Focus

The Complete Guide to Developing Your Focus

In our technologically advanced, fast-paced world, we are consistently juggling a barrage of tasks that demand our attention simultaneously. From managing professional responsibilities to maintaining a harmonious personal life, we often find ourselves stretched thin. This leads to a fragmented approach to task management and subsequently diminishes productivity. Not only does this scatter-brained approach hinder

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How to Break Bad Habits

How to Break Bad Habits

Habits, the automatic behaviors etched deep within our daily lives, serve as the unseen architects of our existence. Whether we notice or not, these persistent patterns of behavior profoundly influence our lives’ trajectory, silently steering us toward our future selves. Just as a river gradually shapes the landscape through which it flows, habits quietly sculpt

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How to Sleep Better

How to Sleep Better

Every night, we surrender ourselves to an extraordinary journey of healing, tranquility, and memory-building, all encompassed within the realm of sleep. This magical period is one of nature’s finest restoratives, a salve for our weary bodies and minds after a day of relentless activity. Yet, a restful night’s sleep remains a compelling mystery for many

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