Author name: Julianna Summers

Abandon Bad Habits Before They Ruin Your Life

The Seriousness of Bad Habits: Abandon Them or They Will Ruin Your Life

Bad habits – we all have them. These behaviors can start small, whether it’s that extra glass of wine each night, skipping your workout routine, or compulsively checking social media. But over time, seemingly minor bad habits accumulate and can profoundly impact many areas of your life. Recent research shows that over 45% of adults

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6 Frugal Habits to Get Better at in 2023

6 Frugal Habits to Get Better at in 2023 (Saving Money with Frugal Living)

Becoming more frugal and living within your means is critical in today’s economy of rising prices. Saving money through frugal living provides financial freedom, less stress, and the ability to reach goals like buying a house, retiring early, and more. This article will explore six vital frugal habits to develop in 2023 to save significantly

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Guided Meditation for Clearing Mind, Body, and Soul

Bad Habits: Guided Meditation for Clearing Mind, Body, and Soul

Guided meditation is a powerful practice that goes far beyond essential relaxation. Regular meditation has been scientifically shown to change how you think, feel, and act. This is because meditation changes the neural pathways in your brain over time. Repeating behaviors like smoking, overeating, or procrastination strengthens those neural pathways, making the bad habit more

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Cracking the Mindset Code-The Secrets of Winning

Understanding the Mindset Code: The Secrets of Winning

Accomplishing ambitious goals and realizing one’s full potential requires cultivating the proper mindset. Your mindset comprises the attitudes, perspectives, and mental habits shaping how you take on challenges and achieve success. Adopting a winning mindset can be the crucial factor that allows someone to maximize their abilities and outperform the competition. Whether your goals are

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Growth Mindset Strategies

Growth Mindset Strategies: Overcome Your Fixed Mindset to Grow as a Person

A growth mindset can profoundly impact your ability to learn, improve, and succeed. A growth mindset believes that your skills and intelligence can be developed through consistent effort and practice. With a growth mindset, you view challenges as growth opportunities rather than threats to avoid. On the other hand, a fixed mindset believes that your

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10 Things I DON’T OWN OR BUY as a Minimalist

10 Things I Don’t OWN OR BUY as a Minimalist

Minimalism has grown in popularity over the last decade as more people adopt this lifestyle of focusing on essential possessions that add value while decluttering and avoiding consumerism and excess. As a minimalist for the past few years, I have intentionally avoided acquiring many items that are commonplace or considered necessities in mainstream culture. The

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52 Practical Frugal Living Tips that Actually Work

52 Practical Frugal Living Tips that Actually Work

In a world where consumerism often reigns supreme, frugal living emerges as a refreshing alternative. It’s not about deprivation or living a joyless existence; frugal living is about making thoughtful, deliberate choices that align with your values and financial goals. What is Frugal Living? Frugal living is the practice of being economical with resources and

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