Author name: Julianna Summers

Powerful Buddha Quotes that will change your life

Powerful Buddha Quotes That Will Change Your Life

The teachings of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, have resonated through thousands of years, containing timeless wisdom that can help people transform their lives. By reflecting on his insights and integrating them into our daily practices, we can shift our perspectives in impactful ways. This article looks at thought-provoking Buddha quotes and how implementing […]

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Money Lessons from the Great Depression- Frugal Living Tips from the 1930s

Money Lessons from the Great Depression: Frugal Living Tips from the 1930’s

The Great Depression of the 1930s was incredibly challenging for millions of American families. With widespread poverty, unemployment, and hardship, people had to get extremely creative to make ends meet and put food on the table. Although tragic, the era of the Great Depression also gave rise to many ingenious frugal living habits, money lessons,

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SMART Goals Quick Overview with 15 SMART Goal Examples

SMART Goals Quick Overview with 15 SMART Goal Examples

Setting clear, achievable goals is critical for making progress and achieving success in all aspects of life. The SMART framework provides an effective model for developing specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals. Applying the SMART criteria to your objectives helps create focus, clarity, and a high likelihood of accomplishing them.  This blog post provides

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6 Frugal Habits to Get Better at in 2023

Easy Ways to Live Below Your Means & Lower Your Cost of Living in 2023 | Frugal Living Tips

The cost of living seems to rise yearly – housing, groceries, gas prices, and more keep rising. This makes it increasingly difficult for many people to make ends meet and manage their finances. Inflation and economic conditions mean dollars don’t stretch as far as they used to. However, there are many practical and creative ways

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How to Develop Discipline as a Mindset

How to Develop Discipline as a Mindset

Discipline is one of the most essential skills for achieving goals and overall life success. Yet many people struggle with disciplining themselves to exercise consistently, stick to work routines, overcome procrastination, and more. Motivation seems to come and go. Rather than an ingrained personality trait, however, discipline can be intentionally developed through mindset shifts and

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49 NEW Frugal Living Habits That Actually Work

49 (NEW) Frugal Living Habits That Actually Work: Financial Independence (FIRE)

The FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement has grown rapidly in recent years. The core concept is that by living well below your means and saving aggressively, you can amass enough wealth to retire decades earlier than the traditional retirement age. Frugal living is essential for achieving FIRE. By developing intelligent money-saving habits, you can

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Aristotle Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Aristotle Quotes That Will Change Your Life

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle left an enduring legacy of wisdom. More than 2000 years after his death, Aristotle’s quotes remain inspirational for their timeless insights into virtue, human nature, and living a good life. Aristotle emphasized the importance of developing moral character. His quotes inspire us to pursue knowledge, cultivate ethical habits, and strive

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