Author name: Julianna Summers

Frugal Living & Minimalism- Can you be both

Frugal Living & Minimalism: Can You Be Both?

Frugal living and minimalism have surged in popularity as lifestyles that enable saving money, reducing stress, and focusing on what’s truly important. Frugality is about intentional spending and saving, while minimalism calls for decluttering life and living with purpose over possessions. While differing in execution, both produce similar benefits. Blending frugal and minimalist practices allows

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10 Life Lessons From The Taoist Master Lao Tzu

10 Life Lessons From The Taoist Master Lao Tzu (Taoism)

Lao Tzu, the legendary founder of Taoism, provided profound and timeless wisdom that guides us to live in harmony with ourselves and the natural world. His philosophical principles encourage simplicity, flexibility, non-attachment, and aligning one’s actions with nature’s organic flow. Following Lao Tzu’s advice to embrace effortless movement, adaptability, inner calm, and moderation, we can

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9 Minimalist Habits

9 Minimalist Habits

We are drowning in clutter, endlessly shopping, and feeling overwhelmed by stuff. This describes so many people’s lives today. Our consumerist culture pushes us to accumulate more possessions, resulting in crowded homes, packed schedules, and perpetual stress. Minimalism offers an antidote to this cycle of excess. As a lifestyle, minimalism emphasizes keeping only essential belongings,

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