Author name: Julianna Summers

10 Choices That Will Change Your Life-Stoicism 2

10 Choices That Will Change Your Life (Stoicism)

The ancient Stoic philosophers provided profound insights about living a virtuous, meaningful life. Stoicism was founded in Greece around 300 BC and focused on cultivating wisdom, self-discipline, and inner tranquility through conscious choices. The Stoics believed that happiness resulted from living morally and detaching from destructive emotions. The ancient Stoic philosophers provided profound insights about […]

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Change these 9 habits to change your lifestyle for a happy and productive life

Change These 9 Habits to Change Your Lifestyle for a Happy and Productive Life

Our daily habits and routines determine the person we become. The small choices we make day after day shape our health, productivity, stress levels, and overall lifestyle. We likely have several daily rituals we would love to change or improve upon. Waking up, hitting snooze, rushing through the mornings, sitting all day at a desk,

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Epictetus' Quotes you need to know to be Unshakable

Epictetus’ Quotes You Need to Know to Be Unshakable – Stoicism

The ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus was born into slavery around 55 AD in Hierapolis, Phrygia. After being granted his freedom as a young man, Epictetus became one of the most influential Stoic philosophers of his time, teaching many students in Rome how to find tranquility and resilience in the face of life’s hardships. Epictetus left

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LESSONS on How to Think Clearly (stoicism by Marcus Aurelius

Lessons on How to Think Clearly (Stoicism by Marcus Aurelius)

Since ancient times, philosophers and thinkers have recognized the immense power of our thoughts in shaping our lives. As the Greek philosopher Epictetus stated, “Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.” How we perceive and judge events, more than the events themselves, determines our happiness. With so

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12 SMART Minimalist Habits That are LIFE Changing

Minimalism has grown increasingly popular in recent years as a lifestyle that promotes intentional living with less. At its core, minimalism is about carefully curating your belongings and activities to determine what adds value and meaning and removing anything that doesn’t. This subtraction process creates physical and mental space for what’s most essential. By stripping

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10 Weird Habits Of Introverts That Make Them Smarter

10 Weird Habits Of Introverts That Make Them Smarter

Introverts are one of the most misunderstood personality types in our extrovert-focused society. Introverts tend to be quiet, reserved, and more solitary by nature. They feel energized and recharged after spending time alone, unlike extroverts who gain energy from being around others. Introvert tendencies like avoiding crowds, listening more than talking, and reflecting internally can

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Stoicism-The Life-Changing Philosophy Explained

Stoicism: The Life-Changing Philosophy Explained

For over two thousand years, Stoicism has provided a philosophical framework for living a life of wisdom, virtue, and tranquility. Since its founding in ancient Greece, this influential school of thought has endured as an invaluable guide to overcoming adversity and achieving emotional resilience and perspective. Today, in an increasingly turbulent world, Stoicism’s core principles

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