Author name: Julianna Summers

7 Habits to Simplify that You Must Try_ Let's talk about Simple Living, Decluttering and More

7 Habits to Simplify that You Must Try: Let’s Talk About Simple Living

Living a simplified, decluttered life has become an aspiring goal for many people today. Our lives have become increasingly complicated with our busy modern lifestyles of work, family, and social commitments. Many of us feel overwhelmed with never-ending to-do lists, cluttered homes, and racing minds. Embracing simplicity is a lifelong journey, but the rewards make […]

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Everyone Will Respect You After This-The Power Of Belief

Everyone Will Respect You After This (The Power Of Belief)

Belief is a powerful tool that shapes how others see and treat us. When we believe strongly in ourselves, please stand up for our values, and passionately pursue our passions, we demonstrate admirable qualities that earn respect and praise. Developing an unshakable belief system and letting it guide our actions can transform how people perceive

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How To Stop Spending Money (19 Tips To Stop Impulse Shopping

How To Stop Spending Money (19 Tips To Stop Impulse Shopping + Save Money With Frugality)

Impulse spending is a significant drain on many people’s finances. The average American spends over $5,000 per year on impulse purchases, up to $450 billion in total impulse spending annually. This reckless spending can seriously hinder your ability to achieve financial goals like getting out of debt, saving for retirement, or buying a house. The

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6 Destructive Habits

6 Destructive Habits

We all have habits. Some helpful routines provide structure and efficiency to our days, like exercising daily, calling a parent each week, or reading before bed. But other habits can be destructive. They seem harmless initially but slowly undermine our health, finances, relationships, and happiness when left unchecked. This post will examine six everyday destructive habits

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Old Fashioned Frugal Living Tips to Try Today

Old Fashioned Frugal Living Tips to Try Today

Frugality is making a significant comeback. With rising prices and economic uncertainty, people seek ways to pinch pennies. Interestingly, some of the best money-saving hacks come from past generations. Our grandparents and great-grandparents knew how to stretch a dollar. They made frugality a lifestyle out of necessity, like growing victory gardens, preserving foods, and repairing

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