Author name: Julianna Summers

The science of Subjective Well Being- aka Happiness

The Science of Subjective Well-Being (aka Happiness)

Subjective Well-being (SWB), commonly known as happiness, is more than just a fleeting emotion or a simple concept. It’s a comprehensive term that represents our emotional reactions, life satisfaction, and how we perceive different aspects of our lives. Understanding SWB is not just about feeling good but also about recognizing the factors that contribute to […]

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Here Is an Effective Way To Get Self-Discipline

Here Is an Effective Way To Get Self-Discipline

Self-discipline can be defined as the ability to control one’s actions and behaviors to achieve long-term goals. It involves self-control, willpower, dedication, and the ability to forgo short-term temptations for more rewarding long-term benefits. Developing self-discipline is crucial for success, yet many people struggle with it. Lacking self-discipline affects all areas of life. For example,

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10 Minimalist Habits No One Is Talking About For 2024

10 Minimalist Habits No One Is Talking About For 2024

In a world filled with clutter and noise, minimalism is an appealing lifestyle choice for many. This concept goes far beyond a superficial decluttering or design aesthetic – it represents a philosophical shift towards simplicity, purpose, and mindfulness. As we step into 2024 and reevaluate our priorities, minimalism provides a framework for creating more meaning,

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12 Habits for Life

12 Habits for Life

We often underestimate the power of small, daily habits and how they accumulate to shape our lives. The routines and practices we engage in regularly can significantly influence our physical, mental, and emotional well-being-. Whether grabbing a donut every morning or jogging at dawn, each action contributes to the larger picture of our lives. This

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10 Famous Failures Who Never Gave Up and Succeeded in Life

10 Famous Failures Who Never Gave Up and Succeeded in Life

Perseverance is not just a word; it’s a journey filled with obstacles, setbacks, and failures. Yet, it’s through these challenges that success is often forged. This article dives deep into the lives of ten iconic figures who embodied perseverance, turning their failures into remarkable successes. Their stories serve as beacons of hope and resilience, showing

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15 Signs You Have A Strong Intimidating Personality

15 Signs You Have A Strong Intimidating Personality

When we speak of a solid, intimidating personality, it’s common to envision someone who commands attention, perhaps without trying. This form of nature isn’t inherently harmful but can be a source of admiration or respect. Recognizing the signs of such a personality is beneficial because it enables better self-understanding and helps navigate social dynamics more

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12 Good Morning Routine Habits of the World’s Most Successful People

12 Good Morning Routine Habits of the World’s Most Successful People

The significance of morning routines is often understated, yet they are a pivotal aspect of many successful individuals’ lives. Across the globe, high achievers harness the power of the early hours to set the tone for their day, fostering productivity, clarity, and well-being. This blog post delves into 12 transformative habits that are a staple

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