Author name: Julianna Summers

Every Person Is One Choice Away From Everything Changing

Every Person Is One Choice Away From Everything Changing

Every day, we make choices—some are insignificant, while others can drastically change our lives’ trajectory. Our conscious and unintentional decisions lead us down new, unexpected paths that define our futures. In a single moment, making one pivotal choice can result in repercussions that ultimately ripple through every area of our lives. Recognizing the significance of […]

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10 Laws That Will Make You Have Discipline and Thrive

10 Laws That Will Make You Have Discipline and Thrive

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. It powers our ability to overcome distractions, procrastination, and excuses to steadfastly focus on what matters most. When integrated as daily habits, the following fundamental laws of discipline can entirely transform our personal and professional lives. This article will examine the ten essential laws that foster iron-clad

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What You Resist, Persists - Carl Jung

What You Resist, Persists – Carl Jung

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s impact on contemporary psychology cannot be overstated. Many of his theories and ideas revolutionized our understanding of the human psyche and sparked waves of self-reflection. Among his most penetrating insights relevant today is the observation that “what you resist persists.” This phrase beautifully captures the futile struggle of suppressing difficult inner

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Why Self Discipline Must Be Hard

Why Self-Discipline Must Be Hard

Self-discipline is overcoming internal resistance and forgoing immediate pleasure to achieve long-term goals and benefits. Developing a strong sense of self-discipline is crucial for success, yet the virtue inherently involves difficulty—a fact that many fail to realize. Mustering up self-discipline goes directly against our psychology and natural tendencies. Essentially, our brains don’t want us to

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9-1 Rule for Health Habits

9-1 Rule for Health Habits

Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and having good sleep hygiene are cornerstones of wellness. Yet, ingraining these habits into our busy lives proves challenging for many. This is where the efficacy of the 9-1 rule comes in – a straightforward tactic to integrate positive health habits while allowing flexibility. Through understanding and applying this concept, we

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17 Stages Of Minimalism

17 Stages Of Minimalism

Minimalism is a lifestyle that focuses on reducing physical and mental clutter so you can make space for what truly matters. This guide will walk through the 17 key stages to successfully transition to minimalism. Embracing simplicity helps reduce stress, improve focus, foster gratitude, and bring purposeful meaning to life. What is Minimalism? Minimalism is

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16 Tiny Micro Habits That Actually Improved My Life

16 Tiny Micro Habits That Actually Improved My Life

We all want to improve different aspects of our lives – whether it’s feeling healthier, being more productive, strengthening relationships, or boosting mental well-being. However, completely overhauling your lifestyle can feel daunting. That’s why focusing on tiny micro habits that subtly shift your daily routines can be valuable. These small changes only take a few

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Distraction Vs Discipline

Distraction vs. Discipline

In today’s world filled with technology designed to captivate our attention, distraction lurks around every corner. Our devices’ constant pings, alerts, and notifications compete for our focus. Yet without discipline directing our efforts, distraction easily wins out. Successfully achieving our personal and professional goals requires mastering the art of managing distractions and cultivating steady discipline.

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