Author name: Joseph Burns

7 Practices To Be More Valued (Stoicism)

7 Practices To Be More Valued (Stoicism)

Cultivating personal virtue does not need to rely on seeking external validation. Instead, the ancient philosophical system of Stoicism provides a framework for self-improvement through reason, discipline, and ethical action. By training one’s ability to govern judgments rationally instead of emotionally, an unshakable equanimity emerges from within. Undertaking spiritual exercises focused on hardship and difficulty

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What Happens When You Quit

What Happens When You Quit

Leaving behind meaningful roles, relationships, habits, or beliefs that once gave our lives structure can spur profound destabilization and questions if making such pivotal sacrifices was justified. Yet liberation from environments or assumptions limiting our growth often germinates fresh opportunities we would never have created space for had we persisted in trying to resurrect the

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How To Focus on Yourself and Not Others - Marcus Aurelius

How To Focus on Yourself and Not Others – Marcus Aurelius

Focusing on ourselves instead of worrying about others was a vital tenet of the revered Roman emperor and philosophical teacher Marcus Aurelius. By directing attention inward and taking greater responsibility for our thoughts and actions, Aurelius believed we could make far more progress on the path to wisdom, tranquility, and virtue. Attempting to control or

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Discipline Yourself To Stay Focused

Discipline Yourself To Stay Focused

In an age of constant digital distraction, disciplining oneself to stay focused on important tasks or goals is essential for productivity, achievement, and overall life satisfaction. However, with busy modern lifestyles full of compelling diversion sources, sustaining attention and concentration can prove uniquely challenging for the average brain inundated with information and stimulus competing for

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The Power of Written Goals - Get Everything You Want Faster

The Power of Written Goals (Get Everything You Want Faster)

Written goals empower accelerated manifestation of the desired achievement by concentrating intention through a defined structure and enforced accountability. We are tangibly documenting objectives, actively tracking incremental progress milestones, and realigning our plans of action after confronting obstacles, all channeling the incredible capacity of the human brain to mold circumstances according to envisioned outcomes when

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Success Needs Patience

Success Needs Patience

Finding success and achieving our most significant goals often requires cultivating key attributes like focus, resilience, dedication, and a long-term vision. However, developing these skills and mindsets takes considerable time and patience. Creating authentic, lasting success can seem slow and laborious in a world focused on overnight fame and get-rich-quick schemes. But there are immense

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How to Understand Yourself - Marcus Aurelius

How to Understand Yourself – Marcus Aurelius

How does one truly understand themselves and cultivate lasting inner contentment? The Roman emperor and influential Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius provided timeless insights on self-examination and spiritual fulfillment in his meditations two millennia ago that still resonate today. By analyzing our impressions, controlling emotional reactions, focusing on present choices, pursuing virtue through reason, and finding

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Achieve More with Less Effort With And Better Focus

Achieve More with Less Effort And Better Focus

Achieving more productivity with less drained effort is within reach through some simple focus optimization strategies. With so many distractions and interruptions competing for our attention, it’s no wonder we struggle to concentrate on meaningful work for extended periods. Yet high-priority goals and mission-critical tasks require diligent focus to drive results and move initiatives forward.

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