Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

Why You Can't Stay Consistent

Why You Can’t Stay Consistent

Consistency often proves elusive, despite its vital role in achieving success. Misconceptions about this elusive quality abound, making it an even more complex challenge. This article dissects the common hurdles to consistency and offers strategies to overcome them. The Psychology Behind Consistency Psychological research provides insight into why consistency is difficult. Central to this is […]

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4 Strategies to KILL Analysis Paralysis

4 Strategies to KILL Analysis Paralysis (Stop Overthinking and Start Doing)

Analysis paralysis, a common plight of individuals and organizations, can best be defined as a state of overthinking that impedes decision-making. Every day, we encounter myriad decisions, ranging from trivial choices to critical business verdicts. Unfortunately, overthinking can transform these opportunities into burdens, leaving us stuck in a perpetual state of indecision. This article presents

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11 Common Habits That Make People Lose Respect For You

Respect forms an integral pillar in the foundation of any relationship, whether personal or professional. Without respect, trust crumbles, and connections fade. Therefore, understanding and maintaining a level of care becomes essential for personal growth, career advancement, and overall happiness. Sadly, certain habits can erode this critical value, leading to an undesirable loss of respect.

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Growth Mindset Introduction- What it is, How it Works, and Why it Matters

Growth Mindset Introduction: What it is, How it Works, and Why it Matters

Imagine standing at the foot of a mountain. It stretches upwards, disappearing into the sky, an intimidating, seemingly insurmountable obstacle. You have two choices. You can view the mountain as a challenge, a chance to grow and learn, or an insurmountable barrier, something too difficult to conquer. This choice reflects the difference between a growth

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Synchronicity-Meaningful Patterns in Life

Synchronicity: Meaningful Patterns in Life

Synchronicity, a term coined by the eminent Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, refers to meaningful coincidences. It believes that seemingly unrelated events connect in profound, sometimes inexplicable ways. This blog post ventures into the fascinating realm of synchronicity, weaving together its history, role in personal development and spirituality, appearance in daily life, and potential to foster

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Positive Mindset vs Negative Mindset

Positive Mindset Vs. Negative Mindset

Mindset serves as the cornerstone of human behavior and decision-making. It affects every facet of life, from personal relationships to professional performance. This article will delve into the contrasting worlds of Positive Mindset and Negative Mindset, unearthing their characteristics, consequences, and influence on personal and professional growth. Understanding Mindset A mindset, in essence, describes a

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