Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

5 Steps to Develop More Discipline

5 Steps to Develop More Discipline

Discipline remains an integral part of successful living. Whether maintaining a fitness regimen, achieving career goals, or developing healthy relationships, discipline is the backbone of these endeavors. This blog post aims to provide a structured, step-by-step guide to nurturing discipline, a vital life skill. What is Discipline? Discipline represents a consistent commitment to reaching one’s

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Productivity Blueprint- What is Focus and Self-Discipline

Productivity Blueprint: What is Focus and Self-Discipline?

Productivity forms the cornerstone of both professional and personal success. It symbolizes the ability to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. However, the journey to high productivity often seems complex and elusive. In this maze of productivity, two elements stand out for their crucial role – Focus and Self-Discipline. But what are these concepts? How do

Productivity Blueprint: What is Focus and Self-Discipline? Read More »

8 Simple Japanese Habits That Will Make Your Life So Much Better

8 Simple Japanese Habits That Will Make Your Life So Much Better

We often look to different cultures for inspiration in pursuing health and longevity. One such culture that has captured global attention is that of Japan. Known for its citizens’ impressive lifespan and low rates of lifestyle-related diseases, Japan offers a model for healthy living deeply rooted in its traditional practices and dietary habits. This guide

8 Simple Japanese Habits That Will Make Your Life So Much Better Read More »

11 Habits to Avoid if You Want to Live a Long and Happy Life

11 Habits to Avoid if You Want to Live a Long and Happy Life

Living a long and happy life remains a universal quest. Research shows that habits are crucial in shaping our health and happiness. Today, we will dive into eleven habits detrimental to these goals, offering insights to transform your lifestyle. The Science of Longevity and Happiness Our lifestyle choices impact our health and longevity significantly. Habits

11 Habits to Avoid if You Want to Live a Long and Happy Life Read More »