Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

STOP Practicing These 6 Anti-Stoic Habits in Your Life

STOP Practicing These 6 Anti-Stoic Habits in Your Life

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy that provides timeless wisdom on how to live a virtuous, meaningful life. By cultivating wisdom, courage, justice, and self-control, Stoics train themselves to face life’s challenges and remain level-headed. However, many of us engage in habits that go against Stoic teachings. Identifying and stopping these tendencies is vital to

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3 Habits to Radiate Confidence

3 Habits to Radiate Confidence

Building genuine, lasting confidence takes work, but the payoff regarding relationships, opportunities, and fulfillment makes it incredibly worthwhile. In this article, we’ll explore three habits you can adopt to stop second-guessing yourself and start radiating genuine confidence. By getting comfortable with silence, limiting apologies, and assuming others already like you, you’ll begin projecting the self-assurance

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Marcus Aurelius-Embracing Change and Inner Peace

Marcus Aurelius: Embracing Change and Inner Peace (Stoicism)

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor who lived in the 2nd century AD. He was drawn to Stoic philosophy and aspired to live virtuously by practicing its principles. Stoicism encourages living in harmony with nature, controlling one’s emotions, and gaining wisdom and inner peace. Marcus Aurelius’ work “Meditations” compiles his notes and reflections on applying

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This Daily Habit Will Let You ACHIEVE ANYTHING You Want

This Daily Habit Will Let You ACHIEVE ANYTHING You Want! (Law Of Attraction)

The universal force that transforms our deepest desires into reality – the Law of Attraction promises this fascinating outcome. It contends that the energy we project, positive or negative, circles back to us in a cosmic boomerang effect. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs construct our reality. However, we need more than wishful thinking to utilize

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