Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

How to Take a Brain Break

How to Take a Brain Break

Taking regular breaks is essential for optimal brain function and productivity. With constant stimulation from screens and information overload in the digital age, our brains become fatigued after 25-30 minutes of concentrated work. You can recharge cognitive abilities, improve memory and learning, and enhance performance by incorporating brief brain breaks. This article will provide tips

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Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming every aspect of modern life. Yet, for many people, this advanced technology remains shrouded in mystery. AI-powered devices and services are now integral to how we communicate, shop, travel, and are entertained. However, few understand how these intelligent machines work their technological magic. Debates rage about whether AI will

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Eat That Frog

Eat the Frog!

The inspiring self-help book Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy offers a practical, actionable approach to improving productivity and overcoming procrastination. Published in 2001, this motivating book provides invaluable strategies to stop procrastinating, zero in on high-value tasks, and get more done each day. Tracy’s powerful productivity concepts have helped millions eliminate procrastination, manage time

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17 Psychological Hacks That Make Life Easier

17 Psychological Hacks That Make Life Easier (Interesting Psychological Tricks)

Have you ever felt overwhelmed, stressed, or bogged down by daily struggles? While we can’t control everything that happens, we can control how we respond to situations. Small mindset shifts and behavior changes can add up to a more accessible, less stressful life. In this article, we’ll explore 17 psychological hacks backed by research that

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5 AI Companies that are Shaping the Future in 2023

5 AI Companies that are Shaping the Future in 2023: Artificial Intelligence

The digital age has ushered in a revolution, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) at its helm. As we navigate the intricate and interconnected networks that define life in the 21st century, AI stands out as a guiding light, steering industries, enhancing user experiences, and crafting a future that once only existed in speculative fiction. 2023 marks

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How to Master Your Thinking Patterns and Habits for Self Development

How to Master Your Thinking Patterns and Habits for Self Development

Our thoughts and habits have an immense impact on our lives. Learning to reshape unproductive thinking patterns and habits can lead to profound personal growth and success. With time and commitment, we can rewire our brains to think more positively and empoweringly. The Critical Importance of Mastering Your Thinking Our thinking patterns, inner dialogue, and

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Habit Building System I Wish I Had Learned Sooner

Habit Building System I Wish I Had Learned Sooner (Habit Factory)

Building meaningful habits like exercising regularly, eating healthy, waking up early, and reading books can be challenging. Many try to motivate themselves through sheer willpower but fail after a few weeks. However, a proven habit-building system based on scientific research can help anyone successfully build long-term habits. You can easily create stick habits by following

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Habits of Success

14 Habits of Success

Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes diligence, perseverance, and cultivating positive habits over time. By analyzing how successful people think and act, we can adopt some of their beneficial practices to help achieve our goals. This article covers essential habits you can build to set yourself up for success. 1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals Having

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