Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

Once You Get Rid Of These 8 Toxic Beliefs, You'll Be Much Stronger

Once You Get Rid Of These 8 Toxic Beliefs, You’ll Be Much Stronger

We all hold beliefs that shape our perceptions and impact our lives. Some beliefs are empowering, while others can be toxic and limiting. Identifying and releasing self-defeating beliefs opens us to more significant mental strength, resilience, and joy. In this article, we’ll explore eight toxic beliefs holding you back and how letting them go can […]

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0% Motivation 100% Discipline

0% Motivation 100% Discipline (This Can Change Your Life)

Motivation is an unreliable and fleeting force. On the other hand, discipline creates consistency and routines that drive progress toward your goals, even when lacking motivation. By cultivating discipline through realistic goal-setting, habit formation, and resilience strategies, you gain the key to unlock sustained achievement. This article explores the fickle nature of motivation, the power

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8 Habits that Quietly Destroy your Confidence

8 Habits that Quietly Destroy your Confidence

Self-confidence is crucial for achieving success in our personal and professional lives. However, there are certain habits that many of us engage in without realizing just how much they undermine our self-confidence. You can build self-assurance and reach your full potential by identifying and addressing these habits. 1. Overthinking Erodes Self-Trust Overthinking is all too

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Self-Discipline, Discipline and Self-Control- The Pillars of Personal Success

Self-Discipline, Discipline and Self-Control: The Pillars of Personal Success

Self-discipline, discipline, and self-control are foundational to success and personal growth. Cultivating these traits enables individuals to set goals and work meticulously towards achieving them, even when faced with distractions or challenges. Self-discipline is staying focused on long-term objectives without swaying from the path due to short-term temptations. It often involves setting strict personal rules

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7 Habits that Make You WEAK

7 Habits That Make You WEAK [delete it from your life immediately]

We all likely have certain habits or tendencies that keep us from reaching our full potential and living our desired life. These could be thought patterns, behaviors, ways of interacting with others, or coping with challenges that seem comfortable or familiar but secretly sap our strength. Identifying and taking concrete steps to eliminate your unique

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Game Theory-The Pinnacle of Decision-Making

Game Theory: The Pinnacle of Decision-Making

Game theory occupies a unique position in the pantheon of decision-making techniques. This mathematical framework for modeling complex strategic interactions allows systematic analysis of competing interests between multiple rational decision-makers. Game theory provides an unparalleled set of tools for discovering optimal solutions and predicting behavior under conditions of uncertainty and limited information. It represents the

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Stoicism- The Power of Indifference to Obstacles

Stoicism: The Power of Indifference to Obstacles | Priceless Benefits of Being Indifferent

The ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism offers a profound path for attaining inner peace and resilience in facing life’s inevitable obstacles. By practicing indifference to external events outside our control, we can approach adversity with a stable mind that allows wisdom and virtue to flourish. This timeless wisdom is perhaps more relevant than ever in

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