Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

Consistency And Self-Discipline Are Key To Success

Consistency And Self-Discipline Are Key To Success

Success often feels elusive, a lofty goal that only a select handful of exceptionally gifted and lucky people ever attain. However, the truth is that success has little to do with luck or innate talent. Rather, achieving meaningful success in any endeavor requires cultivating and applying foundational habits of consistency and self-discipline over an extended

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Mastering Discipline- Insights from Samurai Miyamoto Musashi's Teachings (Daily Motivation)

Mastering Discipline: Insights from Samurai Miyamoto Musashi’s Teachings (Daily Motivation)

Miyamoto Musashi, an iconic Japanese swordsman and philosopher, is considered one of the greatest samurai warriors ever. During Japan’s volatile Sengoku period, Musashi wandered the countryside, engaging in over 60 life-or-death duels, emerging undefeated every time. His life embodied the strict self-discipline and determination valued in samurai culture. In 1643, near the end of his

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11 Principles Of Mindfulness

11 Principles Of Mindfulness

Cultivating mindfulness – the disposition of paying attention to whatever is happening in the present moment, with non-judgment and purpose (i.e., paying attention to it on purpose, as Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the popular Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program, defines it) – is now widely practiced because it works to reduce stress, increase well‑being, and

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