Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

How To Quit Bad Habits-Simple Ways To Stop Bad Habits

How To Quit Bad Habits: 9 Simple Ways To Stop Bad Habits

Bad habits—we all have them. Whether biting our nails, procrastinating, or indulging in unhealthy snacks, these behaviors can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Bad habits are repetitive actions we perform almost unconsciously, often with negative consequences. While they may provide temporary comfort or relief, in the long run, they can hinder our […]

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The 9 Types Of Intelligence-What's Yours

The 9 Types Of Intelligence: What’s Yours?

Intelligence, a complex and multifaceted concept, has long fascinated psychologists, educators, and the general public. While many people associate intelligence with academic prowess or IQ scores, the truth is that intelligence manifests itself in various ways. The theory of multiple intelligences, proposed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, suggests nine distinct types of intelligence, each with

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10 Things You Should Avoid Revealing In A Job Interview-Interview Tips

10 Things You Should Avoid Revealing In A Job Interview: Interview Tips

Job interviews are a crucial step in the hiring process, providing an opportunity for both the employer and the candidate to assess whether they are a good fit for each other. While it’s essential to be honest and authentic during an interview, there are certain things you should avoid revealing to maintain a professional image

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Shadow Work-8 Steps To Heal The Wounded Self

Shadow Work: 8 Steps To Heal The Wounded Self

Shadow work, a concept rooted in Jungian psychology, refers to exploring and integrating our psyche’s hidden, repressed, or rejected aspects. These aspects, collectively known as the shadow self, often contain unresolved emotional wounds, traumas, and beliefs that can hinder personal growth and healing. By embarking on a journey of shadow work, we can uncover these

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How Silence Can Turn You Into A Powerful Man

5 Reasons Silence Can Turn You Into A Powerful Man

While the world typically promotes constant communication and self-expression, the power of silence often goes unnoticed. We are told that to be successful, we must speak up, assert ourselves, and make our voices heard. However, the truth is that embracing silence can be a transformative experience, helping men become more powerful and influential in various

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3 Buddhist Beliefs That Will Soothe Your Soul (And Make You Much Happier)

3 Buddhist Beliefs That Will Soothe Your Soul (And Make You Much Happier)

Many people turn to ancient wisdom for guidance and solace in a world filled with chaos, stress, and uncertainty. Buddhism, a philosophy and religion that originated in ancient India, offers many insights and practices to help us navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and happiness. This article will explore three fundamental Buddhist beliefs that can

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