Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

12 Habits That Will Ruin Your Life- 12 Bad Morning Habits That Damage Your Life

12 Habits That Will Ruin Your Life: 12 Bad Morning Habits That Damage Your Life

How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day and your life. A healthy morning routine can increase productivity, improve mood, and improve overall well-being. However, many people unknowingly engage in lousy morning habits that can sabotage their success and happiness. In this article, we’ll explore 12 everyday morning habits […]

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4 Bad Habits The Happiest People Avoid, According To A Psychologist

4 Bad Habits The Happiest People Avoid, According To A Psychologist

We all want to be happy. This fundamental human desire drives many of our decisions and actions. While the road to happiness is a multifaceted journey, certain habits can hinder our progress. As a psychologist, I’ve observed that the happiest people tend to avoid four specific bad habits. By steering clear of these pitfalls, they

4 Bad Habits The Happiest People Avoid, According To A Psychologist Read More »

The Art of Being Happy_ 8 Simple Habits That Will Help You Live a More Joyful Life

The Art of Being Happy: 8 Simple Habits That Will Help You Live a More Joyful Life

Happiness is a fundamental goal for most people, yet it often seems elusive. We search for it in material possessions, relationships, and achievements, but true happiness comes from within. By cultivating simple habits and making small changes in our daily lives, we can experience more joy and contentment. This article will explore eight habits that

The Art of Being Happy: 8 Simple Habits That Will Help You Live a More Joyful Life Read More »

Reverse Psychology_ 13 Lessons On How To Use Rejection To Your Favor (Stoicism)

Reverse Psychology: 13 Lessons On How To Use Rejection To Your Favor (Marcus Aurelius, Stoicism)

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, left behind a wealth of wisdom in his writings, known as “Meditations.” Among the many valuable lessons he imparted, his insights on dealing with rejection and adversity are particularly relevant in today’s world. By applying the principles of Stoicism, we can learn to use rejection as a

Reverse Psychology: 13 Lessons On How To Use Rejection To Your Favor (Marcus Aurelius, Stoicism) Read More »

10 Unusual Habits That Indicate a High Level of Intelligence

10 Unusual Habits That Indicate a High Level of Intelligence

Intelligence is a complex concept that encompasses various cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. While IQ tests and academic achievements are often used as measures of intelligence, certain habits and behaviors can also serve as indicators of a high level of intelligence. In this article, we’ll explore ten unusual habits often exhibited

10 Unusual Habits That Indicate a High Level of Intelligence Read More »

The 7 Most Impactful Decisions You'll Ever Make In Life, According To Experts

The 7 Most Impactful Decisions You’ll Ever Make In Life, According To Experts

Life is a series of choices, each profoundly shaping our journey. While some decisions may seem inconsequential at the time, others can alter the course of our lives forever. We consulted with experts in various fields to identify the seven most impactful decisions you’ll ever make and provide insights on approaching these critical junctures with

The 7 Most Impactful Decisions You’ll Ever Make In Life, According To Experts Read More »

10 Signs You're a Highly Observant Person (Who Sees Things Others Don’t)

10 Signs You’re a Highly Observant Person (Who Sees Things Others Don’t)

Some individuals stand out for their exceptional ability to notice the details that others often overlook. These highly observant people possess unique skills that allow them to navigate life with a keen sense of awareness and understanding. If you’ve ever wondered whether you fit into this category, here are 10 signs that suggest you might

10 Signs You’re a Highly Observant Person (Who Sees Things Others Don’t) Read More »

People Who Are Lonely in Life Often Display These 11 Behaviors (Without Realizing It)

People Who Are Lonely in Life Often Display These 11 Behaviors (Without Realizing It)

Loneliness has become a pervasive issue in modern society, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. The feeling of being disconnected from others can have a profound impact on both mental and physical health. Many individuals who experience loneliness may not even be aware of the behaviors they exhibit as a result. In this blog

People Who Are Lonely in Life Often Display These 11 Behaviors (Without Realizing It) Read More »

People Who Stay Mentally Strong as They Get Older Tend to Practice These 10 Daily Habits

People Who Stay Mentally Strong as They Get Older Tend to Practice These 10 Daily Habits

It’s becoming increasingly clear that maintaining mental strength is as important as physical health, especially as we age. The good news is that by incorporating certain daily habits into our routines, we can cultivate the mental resilience needed to thrive in our golden years. Let’s explore the ten habits that mentally strong older adults tend

People Who Stay Mentally Strong as They Get Older Tend to Practice These 10 Daily Habits Read More »