Author name: Holly Burns

Holly Burns is a best-selling author and artist living in Florida. She co-founded New Trader University, where she blogs daily about personal success.

Whats My Personality Extravert or Introvert

What’s My Personality: Extravert or Introvert? (MBTI)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is valuable for self-discovery and understanding. It provides a framework for understanding how people perceive the world and make decisions. One of the critical aspects of this framework involves the dichotomy of Extraversion and Introversion. This post aims to delve into these two personality types, helping you identify where you […]

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Problem Based Learning

What is Problem-Based Learning?

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) stands as a dynamic, student-centered approach that uses real-world problems as a context for students to learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This innovative pedagogical strategy turns traditional teaching and learning upside down by placing students in the driver’s seat of their education. This article delves into the history, principles, process, benefits,

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Psychology Behind Defensive Behavior

Defensiveness: Psychology Behind Defensive Behavior

Defensive behavior, a ubiquitous human reaction, often emerges when individuals perceive a threat to their self-esteem or personal well-being. This behavior, while serving as a protective mechanism, can also hinder effective communication and mutual understanding. Understanding the psychology behind defensive behavior can provide valuable insights into human interactions and personal growth. This article aims to

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Why Do People Talk To Themselves

Why Do People Talk To Themselves: Psychology Behind Self-talk

Self-talk, an inherent part of human cognition, is something we all engage in, whether consciously or subconsciously. It’s that familiar voice that comments, critiques and converses with us throughout the day. Despite its universality, self-talk often carries an undeserved stigma, with many associating it with eccentricity or madness. This misconception can lead to misunderstanding this

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Business ANT

Automatic Negative Thoughts: How to Stop the ANTs

Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) pervade our minds, often unnoticed, yet significantly influence our emotions, behaviors, and overall mental health. These thoughts, characterized by their negative and often irrational nature, can lead to heightened stress levels, anxiety, and depression if left unchecked. This article sheds light on ANTs, their impact, and practical strategies to combat them.

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The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

Positivity, a term frequently tossed around in conversations, books, and media, often remains elusive for many. It’s a term that is easy to utter yet challenging to comprehend fully and even more difficult to embody consistently. Despite its elusive nature, positivity is a potent, transformative energy that can significantly shape our lives. It’s not just

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How to Generate Ideas The CREATIVE Mindset

How to Generate Ideas: The CREATIVE Mindset

Creativity, the lifeblood of innovation, thrives in every field, from technology to art, business to science. It’s the driving force behind groundbreaking discoveries and revolutionary ideas. At the heart of this creative process lies the CREATIVE mindset, a powerful tool for idea generation. The CREATIVE mindset, an acronym for Curiosity, Resilience, Experimentation, Adaptability, Tenacity, Imagination,

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How To Be Unshakeable in Every Situation

How To Be Unshakeable in Every Situation (Stoic Life Lessons Quotes)

Stoicism, an ancient philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium, offers practical wisdom for navigating life’s challenges. Its teachings remain relevant today, providing a roadmap for cultivating inner peace and resilience. This article explores key Stoic principles that can help us become unshakeable in every situation. Don’t worry about what you can’t control Stoicism

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