Author name: Ellis Parker

The Power of Intellectual Humility Embrace Curiosity and Question Everything

The Power of Intellectual Humility: Embrace Curiosity and Question Everything

Intellectual humility is the ability to accurately assess one’s knowledge and skills with neither exaggeration nor diminishment. This includes recognizing gaps in one’s understanding, admitting and learning from mistakes, and remaining open to new ideas, information, and perspectives. Intellectual humility fosters curiosity, critical thinking, connection with others, and wisdom. We can achieve immense personal and […]

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Sacrifices Come Before Success

Sacrifices Come Before Success

We all want success in our careers, relationships, hobbies, or passions. However, achieving actual, lasting success requires making sacrifices along the way. This article explores sacrifice’s fundamental role in accomplishing our goals and realizing our dreams. Through historical and contemporary examples, insights from psychology, and tangible tips, we will unpack the power of sacrifice to

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Reframe Your Comparison Group and Achieve Your Greatest Potential

Reframe Your Comparison Group and Achieve Your Greatest Potential

Comparison is an inescapable part of life. We compare ourselves to others when applying for jobs, pursuing relationships, evaluating fitness levels, setting career goals, and more. This comparison instinct is wired deep within us, positively and negatively impacting our self-image and aspirations. Most of us have experienced periods where comparison helped motivate us and times

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A Lesson on Self Awareness-Are You Self Aware

A Lesson on Self-Awareness: Are You Self-Aware?

Self-awareness is the ability to accurately perceive your beliefs, thoughts, motivations, biases, and behaviors. It involves being able to look at yourself honestly and objectively. Self-awareness lets you understand how you think, feel, and act in various situations. It is an essential skill for nurturing personal growth, improving your relationships, and making better decisions. This

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How To Handle Anger

How To Handle Anger

Anger is a natural human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. While anger itself is not inherently wrong or dangerous, how we react when we’re angry can significantly impact our health, relationships, and overall well-being. Managing anger effectively is therefore critical for personal growth, maintaining good relationships with others, and living a fulfilled

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How Emotions Influence Your Decision Making

How Emotions Influence Your Decision-Making

Emotions play a far more significant role in decision-making than we often realize. Many of us operate under the assumption that our choices are the result of logical, rational thought processes. However, emerging research suggests emotion and reason are integrally connected rather than independent. Even with purely objective decisions, subtle emotions influence our judgment and

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