3 Things You Should Always Keep Private, According to Stoicism

3 Things You Should Always Keep Private, According to Stoicism

“The more you say, the less people remember.” These words from the ancient Stoic philosopher Epictetus reminds us of the value of selective sharing. In our hyper-connected world, where sharing has become almost reflexive, the 2,000-year-old wisdom of Stoicism offers a refreshing perspective on privacy. Stoicism—a philosophy founded in Athens around 300 BCE—emphasizes virtue, self-control, and wisdom as paths to a good life. While Stoics valued community and duty, they also recognized that certain aspects of life are best kept private.

This article explores three key areas where the Stoics advocated discretion and explains why their ancient wisdom remains relevant today. Whether navigating social media or everyday conversations, these Stoic principles can help you strike a healthier balance between sharing and privacy, leading to greater peace of mind and more authentic connections.

1. Good Deeds and Acts of Charity

“The reward for a good deed is in having done it,” wrote Seneca, highlighting the Stoic belief that virtuous actions need no audience. When we perform acts of kindness or charity primarily for recognition, we corrupt their inherent value. Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher-emperor, regularly reminded himself to do right actions without witnesses, believing that goodness performed without an audience is the purest form of virtue.

In today’s world of performative giving and charitable hashtags, this wisdom is more relevant than ever. The impulse to document and share every donation or volunteer hour undermines the spirit of genuine giving. Stoicism teaches us that true generosity happens quietly, without expectation of praise or social currency. Next time you help someone or contribute to a cause, consider keeping it between you and the recipient—you might discover that privacy enhances the satisfaction of giving.

2. Personal Struggles and Hardships

Stoics believed in enduring difficulties with dignity rather than constant complaint. Epictetus, who was born into slavery and later became a respected philosopher, taught that continuously discussing our problems often amplifies them. “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters,” he said, encouraging a mindful approach to hardship.

This doesn’t mean Stoics never shared their challenges—they did so selectively and purposefully. The Stoic approach offers a healthier alternative in our age of constant updates and oversharing. Instead of broadcasting every setback on social media, consider confiding in a few trusted individuals who can provide genuine support. Studies show that indiscriminate sharing of difficulties can increase stress and slow emotional processing. Keeping specific struggles private creates space to work through them more effectively.

3. Future Plans and Ambitions

“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality,” Seneca observed, pointing to our tendency to overthink future scenarios. Stoics were cautious about discussing plans and ambitions before they materialized. They understood that speaking too soon about intentions often provides a false sense of accomplishment that can undermine motivation actually to complete the task.

Modern psychology confirms this Stoic insight through what researchers call “announcement bias”—the phenomenon where publicly declaring a goal can reduce the likelihood of achieving it. When we receive praise for simply stating an intention, our brain experiences a reward similar to accomplishing it. For your most meaningful goals, consider keeping them private until you’ve made substantial progress. This approach harnesses the quiet power of action over words and protects your motivation from premature satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

  • True virtue doesn’t need an audience; private acts of goodness are often the most meaningful.
  • Selective sharing of personal struggles creates space for effective processing and authentic support.
  • Discussing goals prematurely can provide a false sense of accomplishment that undermines motivation.
  • The Stoic approach to privacy isn’t about isolation but creating more authentic connections.
  • In a world of constant sharing, strategic privacy can become a form of self-care and boundary-setting.
  • What you choose not to share often reveals more about your values than what you publicly display.
  • Privacy allows for the development of an authentic self that exists independent of others’ perceptions.
  • Stoic privacy practices help maintain focus on what truly matters rather than external validation.
  • Keeping certain aspects private lets you maintain greater control over your personal life.
  • The most meaningful experiences often occur in private moments, not in what we publicly display.

A Case Study: Finding Balance Through Stoic Privacy

Christine had always been an open book. Her social media accounts documented everything from minor frustrations to significant life decisions. Friends knew her salary, her relationship struggles, and the details of her five-year plan. She prided herself on authenticity but increasingly felt anxious about maintaining her online presence and found herself making decisions based on how they would be perceived rather than what truly aligned with her values.

After a particularly stressful period at work, Christine stumbled upon Stoic philosophy through a podcast. The idea that some things might be better kept private resonated deeply. She began experimenting with selective sharing, starting with a personal meditation practice she didn’t post about. To her surprise, the practice felt more meaningful without external validation. Next, she decided to keep a recent promotion private for two weeks, simply experiencing her accomplishment before announcing it.

The changes were subtle but profound. Christine didn’t abandon sharing altogether but became more intentional about it. Her relationships deepened as she saved specific conversations for in-person connections rather than public forums. “I’m still myself,” she explained to a friend, “but now I’m living my life instead of narrating it.” By applying Stoic privacy principles, Christine found a balance that allowed for authentic connection without the pressure of constant disclosure.


The Stoic approach to privacy offers a valuable counterbalance to our culture of constant sharing. By keeping certain aspects of life private—good deeds, personal struggles, and plans—we create space for more authentic living. This isn’t about becoming secretive or withdrawn but rather about being selective and intentional with what we share and why we share it. The Stoics understood that privacy creates room for genuine reflection and growth and that the desire for external validation can compromise.

As we navigate an increasingly connected world, these ancient principles remind us that not everything needs to be externalized. Privacy, practiced wisely, becomes not a wall but a window—allowing us to see ourselves more clearly and connect meaningfully with others. The next time you feel the impulse to share something, consider pausing to ask: Would a Stoic philosopher approve? The answer might guide you toward a more balanced relationship with privacy and greater tranquility in a noisy world.