10 Emotional Manipulator Tactics and What They Say

10 Emotional Manipulator Tactics and What They Say

Emotional manipulators are masters at exploiting the emotions of others to get what they want. Their tactics can be subtle or overt, but they all have the same goal: to control and dominate their victims. If you’re in a relationship with an emotional manipulator, it’s essential to be aware of their tactics so you can protect yourself. Here are 10 of the most common emotional manipulation tactics and what they reveal about the manipulator.

1. Gaslighting: β€œYou’re crazy.”

Gaslighting is a particularly insidious form of manipulation where the manipulator tries to make you question your sanity. They’ll deny things you know happened, tell you that you’re remembering things wrong, or call you paranoid and overly sensitive. They’re saying that your perceptions can’t be trusted and that they know better than you. It’s a way to make you doubt yourself and become more dependent on them.

2. Guilt-Tripping: β€œAfter all I’ve done for you…”

Guilt-tripping involves using your conscience against you. Manipulators will remind you of all their real or imagined sacrifices to make you feel indebted to them. They’re saying that you owe them and that their needs should always come first. They use guilt to control your behavior and pressure you into compliance.

3. Love Bombing: β€œYou’re perfect.”

Love bombing is a tactic manipulators use early in a relationship to create intense emotional bonds. They’ll shower you with affection, compliments, and grand gestures that seem too good to be true (because they are). They’re saying that their love is conditional and can be taken away at any time. Love bombing creates a sense of dependency that’s hard to break free from.

4. Isolation: β€œYou don’t need anyone else.”

Manipulators often try to distance you from friends and family who might call out their behavior or offer you support. They’ll monopolize your time, make you feel guilty for socializing, or even forbid you from certain relationships. They’re saying that they want to have exclusive influence over you. Isolation makes it easier for them to control you unchecked.

5. Criticism: β€œYou’re not good enough.”

Persistent criticism is a manipulation tactic designed to erode your self-esteem over time. No matter what you do, it’s never quite right or good enough for the manipulator. They’re saying that you’ll never measure up and that you need to keep seeking their approval. By keeping you in a one-down position, they maintain the upper hand.

6. Emotional Blackmail: β€œIf you loved me, you would…”

With emotional blackmail, manipulators use your feelings for them as a weapon against you. They’ll make ultimatums, threaten to end the relationship, or imply that you’ll be responsible for their pain if you don’t do what they want. They’re saying that their needs matter more than yours and that you should sacrifice your well-being for their happiness.

7. Silent Treatment: (…)

When you’ve done something to displease a manipulator, they may β€œpunish” you by suddenly withdrawing and refusing to communicate. The silent treatment creates uncertainty and anxiety that can feel unbearable. What they’re really saying with their silence is that you need to work harder to win their approval and attention back. It’s a way to keep you focused on their needs.

8. Projection: β€œYou’re the abusive one, not me.”

Manipulators often accuse you of the very things they’re guilty of themselves. If they’re lying, they’ll accuse you of being dishonest. If they’re cheating, they’ll accuse you of infidelity. They’re saying that they refuse to take responsibility for their actions. By keeping you on the defensive, they deflect from their own bad behavior.

9. Minimizing: β€œYou’re overreacting.”

When you express hurt or frustration with a manipulator’s actions, they’ll often try to downplay the situation. They’ll tell you it’s not a big deal or that you’re being overly sensitive. What they’re saying is that your feelings are invalid and unimportant. Minimizing is a way for them to avoid accountability while claiming the moral high ground.

10. Rationalization: β€œI did it because I love you.”

Manipulators have an excuse for everything. They’ll try to justify their hurtful actions as being for your good or out of love and concern for you. What they’re saying is that their behavior is your fault. If you were different, they wouldn’t have to act this way. Rationalization allows them to continue their manipulation with a clear conscience.

Case Study: Caught in the Manipulator’s Web

A talented and ambitious journalist, Vicky had always dreamed of making a difference through her writing. When she met Christopher, a charismatic and successful editor, at a conference, she felt an instant connection. Christopher showered her with praise and attention, making her feel special and understood like never before.

As their relationship progressed, Vicky became increasingly isolated from her friends and family. Christopher would become sullen and withdrawn whenever she made plans without him, making her feel guilty for neglecting their relationship. He began to criticize her work, questioning her abilities and intelligence. Vicky constantly tried to prove her worth, but nothing she did ever seemed good enough.

Christopher’s moods were unpredictable, oscillating between loving attention and cruel indifference. He would deny their conversations, making Vicky question her memory and perception of events. He’d accuse her of being overly sensitive and irrational when she tried to express her frustration. Vicky began to feel like she was losing her grip on reality.

Despite the constant emotional turmoil, Vicky found it challenging to have a relationship. Christopher would apologize profusely after each outburst, promising to change and showering her with gifts and affection. He’d remind her of all his sacrifices for her career, making her feel indebted to him. Only after a particularly violent outburst did Vicky find the courage to reach out to a trusted colleague for help. With support and therapy, she slowly began to recognize the manipulative nature of the relationship and rebuild her sense of self. Despite the complex healing process, Vicky emerged more substantial and determined to use her voice to help others facing similar struggles.

Key Takeaways

  • Emotional manipulators use a variety of tactics to control and exploit their victims.
  • Gaslighting involves denying reality to make the victim question their sanity.
  • Guilt-tripping is used to pressure the victim into compliance by leveraging their conscience.
  • Love bombing creates intense emotional bonds early in a relationship, making it harder to leave later.
  • Isolation tactics aim to distance the victim from support systems, increasing the manipulator’s control.
  • Persistent criticism erodes the victim’s self-esteem, keeping them in a one-down position.
  • Emotional blackmail uses the victim’s feelings as a weapon to coerce them into meeting the manipulator’s needs.
  • The silent treatment ” punishes” the victim and keeps them focused on winning back the manipulator’s approval.
  • Projection involves accusing the victim of the manipulator’s bad behavior to avoid responsibility.
  • Minimizing the victim’s feelings allows the manipulator to avoid accountability while claiming the moral high ground.
  • Manipulators rationalize their hurtful actions as being for the victim’s good or out of love.
  • Recognizing these tactics is the first step in breaking free from an emotionally manipulative relationship.
  • Seeking support from trusted others and setting firm boundaries is crucial to reclaiming one’s autonomy and well-being.


If you recognize these tactics in your relationship, know that you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault. Emotional manipulators are skilled at what they do, but their behavior is never acceptable. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or a therapist who can help you set boundaries and break free if necessary. Remember, you deserve relationships built on genuine love, trust, and respect – never manipulation.