People Who Are Mentally Strong Follow Ten Habits That Make Them Resilient and Successful

People Who Are Mentally Strong Follow Ten Habits That Make Them Resilient and Successful

What enables some individuals to thrive in the face of challenges while others struggle? The answer often lies in mental toughness – a set of psychological traits and habits that promote resilience. Contrary to popular belief, mental toughness isn’t an innate quality bestowed upon a select few. It’s a skill set that can be deliberately developed.

Scientists have been studying the components of mental strength for decades. Their findings reveal consistent habits and mindsets that mentally tough people rely on to navigate life’s obstacles. If you aspire to join their ranks, integrating these ten research-backed practices into your daily life can lead you to extraordinary fortitude.

1. They Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness – anchoring yourself in the present moment – is a potent tool for promoting mental well-being. By training their minds to focus on the here and now, mentally strong individuals dial down stress and maintain clarity in challenging times.

The benefits of mindfulness are far from esoteric. Sound research confirms that mindfulness practices like meditation and deep breathing exercises effectively reduce anxiety, enhance emotional regulation, and contribute to overall psychological health. Carving out a few minutes daily to be mindfully present can fortify your mental foundations.

2. They Cultivate a Growth Mindset

When you view your abilities as fixed and unchangeable, every setback can feel catastrophic. Mentally tough people avoid this pitfall by adopting a growth mindset – a perspective that treats talents and intelligence as malleable qualities that can be developed over time.

Pioneered by psychologist Carol Dweck, growth mindset theory proposes that individuals who believe in their capacity for growth tend to bounce back more readily from failures. They treat challenges not as threats but as opportunities to stretch their skills. By internalizing the growth-oriented idea that effort and learning can take you further than inborn gifts, you set the stage for long-term resilience.

3. They Set Clear Goals

A ship without a destination on a map is at the mercy of the tides. Similarly, navigating life’s unpredictable waters becomes easier with clear goals to orient you. Psychological research consistently links goal-setting to heightened motivation and achievement.

Mentally tough people tend to be adept goal-setters. They craft specific targets that are challenging enough to motivate but realistic enough to be attainable. By breaking down larger ambitions into smaller action steps and monitoring their progress, they instill their efforts with direction and purpose. In times of stress, their goals are a steadying force, reminding them of their capabilities and reasons for persisting.

4. They Practice Self-Compassion

Mental toughness is often equated with stoicism and self-denial. However, evidence suggests that self-compassion – treating yourself with kindness, especially in the face of failure – is a more reliable path to resilience.

Studies reveal that individuals who respond to personal shortcomings with self-compassion tend to have sturdier emotional health and less anxiety and depression. Rather than criticizing themselves, mentally strong people try to be understanding and encouraging toward themselves, much as they would a good friend. They acknowledge their human imperfections and commit to learning from their missteps. Adopting this gentler self-talk can help buffer you against the harshness of the world.

5. They Maintain Healthy Physical Habits

The strength of the mind is intimately tied to the health of the body. Ample research demonstrates that physical habits like regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and nourishing foods directly impact mood, stress levels, and cognitive performance.

Mentally tough individuals appreciate this mind-body feedback loop and diligently attend to their physical needs. They engage in regular exercise, prioritize restful slumber, and feed themselves well. By supporting their physical health, they shore up their psychological stamina.

6. They Cultivate Strong Social Connections

No one navigates hardship in a vacuum. Deep research confirms that robust social support is essential in weathering adversity. Mentally tough people recognize that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness but of wisdom.

They actively nurture an interpersonal safety net by investing in close relationships and community ties. In times of distress, they’re willing to be vulnerable and lean on their connections for emotional sustenance and problem-solving aid. Fortifying your social fabric can grant you a wellspring of strength to tap into during trying times.

7. They Practice Emotional Regulation

Mental toughness isn’t about suppressing emotions but skillfully managing them. Emotionally adept individuals use cognitive reappraisal – finding new, constructive ways to interpret stressful situations – to modulate their reactions.

This capacity for emotional regulation allows mentally strong people to keep their wits about them in high-pressure situations. Turmoil may still churn beneath the surface, but it can be responded to intentionally rather than reactively. Expanding your toolkit of emotional regulation techniques can help you maintain equilibrium amid life’s upheavals.

8. They Embrace Discomfort

The seductive sway of the comfort zone can be a formidable barrier to personal growth. Mentally tough people understand that evolving means voluntarily embracing discomfort at times. They gravitate toward challenges that stretch their capacities and take them to the edge of their current abilities.

This isn’t masochism but calculated daring rooted in science. Research on stress inoculation reveals that exposure to manageable doses of strain can foster resilience over time. By incrementally pushing your limits, you condition yourself to handle larger loads.

9. They Maintain a Sense of Purpose

A sense of purpose is a potent anchor in turbulent times. When mentally strong individuals encounter hardship, they can draw motivation from a clear understanding of their values and life aims. Psychological studies confirm that feeling a strong sense of meaning is linked to greater resilience and overall well-being.

Purpose looks different for everyone – it could stem from family, faith, artistic expression, or personal touchstones. The key is to know what matters most to you and let that awareness guide you. Taking time to contemplate and articulate your purpose can imbue your life with a resilience-enhancing direction.

10. They Practice Gratitude

Lastly, mentally tough people habitually notice and appreciate the bright spots in their lives. They do not deny the existence of darkness, but they intentionally direct their attention to the glimmers of goodness as well.

Research suggests regularly expressing gratitude can boost happiness, alleviate stress, and build resilience. Tactics can be as simple as keeping a gratitude journal or making a daily practice of mentally acknowledging small joys and kindnesses. By applauding what’s going right, you equip yourself to withstand the inevitable things that will go wrong.

Case Study: Brenda’s Journey to Mental Resilience

Brenda, a talented chef and restaurant owner, had always dreamed of running her successful culinary business. However, the path to realizing this vision was fraught with challenges. From financial setbacks to staffing issues and the intense pressure of the competitive dining industry, Brenda found herself constantly tested.

Despite the obstacles, Brenda remained determined to succeed. She cultivated a growth mindset, viewing each setback as an opportunity to learn and improve. Brenda set clear goals for her restaurant, breaking them down into manageable steps and consistently tracking progress. She also prioritized self-care, carving out time for mindfulness practices, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle despite her demanding schedule.

Her strong support network further bolstered Brenda’s resilience. She actively nurtured relationships with family, friends, and industry mentors who provided encouragement and advice during tough times. Brenda also habitually expressed gratitude for the positive aspects of her life, even amidst the chaos of running a business.

Brenda gradually transformed her restaurant into a thriving establishment through her unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth. Her mental toughness enabled her to weather the inevitable storms of entrepreneurship and emerge stronger. Today, Brenda’s restaurant is renowned for its exquisite cuisine and the resilient and positive culture she has fostered among her staff. Her journey is a testament to the power of mental fortitude in achieving one’s dreams.

Key Takeaways

  • Mental toughness is a set of psychological traits and habits that promote resilience and can be deliberately cultivated.
  • Practiced mindfulness reduces stress and improves overall mental well-being.
  • Adopting a growth mindset, which treats abilities as malleable rather than fixed, fosters resilience in the face of setbacks.
  • Setting specific, challenging, and attainable goals provides direction and motivation, especially during difficult times.
  • Practicing self-compassion and treating oneself with kindness, particularly when facing failure, contributes to emotional resilience.
  • Maintaining healthy physical habits, such as regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and proper nutrition, supports mental stamina.
  • Cultivating strong social connections and being willing to seek support during hardships are crucial for resilience.
  • Developing emotional regulation skills, like cognitive reappraisal, enables mentally tough individuals to respond intentionally to stressors.
  • Embracing discomfort and voluntarily taking on manageable challenges can foster resilience through stress inoculation.
  • A clear sense of purpose and meaning provides an anchor and motivation during adversity.
  • Practicing gratitude and acknowledging life’s positive aspects builds resilience and enhances overall well-being.
  • Building mental toughness is an ongoing process that requires consistent, intentional effort and daily choices to prioritize psychological well-being.


Building mental toughness is a continuous, intentional process, not a singular event. By steadily incorporating these ten habits into your life, you can cultivate the resilience and determination to surmount challenges and lead a fulfilling, purpose-driven life. Mental strength is not about perfection but persistent effort. Each small, daily choice to tend to your psychological well-being is a step toward a stronger, better you.