People with High Financial IQ Adopt These 7 Frugal Living Rules

People with High Financial IQ Adopt These 7 Frugal Living Rules

Financial intelligence is more than just grasping complex economic ideas. It’s about the smart money decisions you make every day. According to research, people with high financial IQ have certain frugal habits in common that help them steadily build wealth over time. Let’s look at seven frugal living rules that financially savvy individuals live by.

1. They Are Intentional About Spending

The financially intelligent consistently and carefully consider each purchase rather than buying on whims or to keep up with the Joneses. They focus their spending on things that truly enrich their lives.

A Journal of Consumer Research study found that mindful spenders feel more satisfied with their lives and finances than impulsive spenders. By spending according to their values and goals, financially savvy folks avoid waste and maximize their income.

2. Saving and Investing Are Top Priorities

Understanding the importance of saving and investing for the future is a crucial sign of high financial IQ. Frugal individuals prioritize saving, often following the “pay yourself first” principle.

National Bureau of Economic Research data shows that households with higher financial literacy are more likely to plan for retirement and build wealth over time. By living below their means and consistently saving and investing, they create financial security and harness the power of compound growth.

3. They Value DIY and Building Practical Skills

Financially sharp people know that developing hands-on skills can save money. They often take a DIY approach to home maintenance and cooking instead of constantly paying for services.

A Journal of Consumer Affairs study found that DIYers save money and feel greater overall life satisfaction. By learning new skills and taking on projects, frugal individuals reduce expenses while gaining knowledge and self-reliance.

4. Optimizing Major Expenses Is Key

While minding small expenses matters, those with financial savvy know that optimizing high costs like housing, transportation, and healthcare has a much more significant impact on economic health.

Bureau of Labor Statistics research shows that housing, transportation, and food comprise over 60% of the average American household’s spending. Financially intelligent people focus on minimizing these major expenses by living in modest homes, driving fuel-efficient cars, and cooking at home.

5. Technology Helps Maximize Savings

In our digital world, the financially astute use technology to optimize their savings and make informed money decisions. They leverage budgeting apps, price comparison tools, and automated savings features.

An International Journal of Bank Marketing study found that using personal finance management tools correlates with better financial choices and higher savings rates. These tech tools allow frugal folks to track spending, find the best deals easily, and put savings on autopilot.

6. Delaying Gratification Is a Crucial Skill

The ability to delay gratification is a defining characteristic of the financially intelligent. They understand the long-term value of postponing purchases and resisting instant gratification.

The famous Stanford marshmallow experiment and later studies showed that children who could delay gratification had better financial outcomes as adults. By avoiding impulsive buys and focusing on long-term money goals, frugal individuals steadily build wealth and economic stability.

7. Ongoing Financial Education Is Essential

Lastly, people with high financial IQ view financial literacy as a continuous learning process. They strive to educate themselves about personal finance, investing, and economic trends.

Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning research shows that people with high financial IQ proactively seek financial knowledge, make sounder money decisions, and achieve greater financial well-being. By staying informed and adjusting their strategies when needed, the financially intelligent can deftly navigate evolving economic landscapes and consistently make wise financial choices.

Case Study: Laura’s Journey to Financial Freedom

Laura, a talented freelance photographer, had always been mindful of her finances but knew she could do better. Inspired by the success stories of financially savvy individuals, she adopted a more frugal lifestyle to take control of her financial future.

Laura began by closely examining her spending habits. She realized that much of her income was from impulse purchases and unnecessary expenses. By practicing intentional spending and focusing on purchases that genuinely mattered to her, such as upgrading her camera equipment, Laura could significantly reduce her monthly expenses without sacrificing her passion for photography.

Next, Laura prioritized saving and investing. She set up automatic transfers to her savings account and began contributing to a retirement fund. To further boost her savings, Laura started learning practical DIY skills, such as basic home repairs and cooking meals at home. She also optimized her major expenses by downsizing to a more affordable apartment and using public transportation instead of owning a car.

By embracing these frugal habits and continuously educating herself about personal finance, Laura grew her wealth. She felt more in control of her financial destiny and less stressed about money. Laura’s journey to financial freedom demonstrated that anyone can build long-term wealth and achieve their financial goals by adopting a frugal lifestyle and making smart money choices.

Key Takeaways

  • Financial intelligence is about making intelligent everyday money decisions, not just understanding complex economic concepts.
  • Financially savvy individuals spend intentionally, focusing on purchases that enrich their lives.
  • Making saving and investing a top priority is a hallmark of high financial IQ.
  • Developing practical DIY skills can significantly reduce expenses and boost self-reliance.
  • Optimizing significant expenses like housing, transportation, and food has the most significant impact on financial health.
  • Leveraging technology tools helps maximize savings and enables informed financial decision-making.
  • Delaying and resisting instant gratification is crucial for building long-term wealth.
  • Continuously seeking financial education empowers individuals to make sound money choices in evolving economic landscapes.
  • Adopting frugal living principles can improve overall financial well-being and long-term wealth-building.


These seven principles of frugal living can significantly impact your financial health and well-being. With intentional spending, a focus on saving and investing, an embracing of DIY skills, optimizing of major expenses, innovative use of technology, an ability to delay gratification, and ongoing financial self-education, you can develop the high financial intelligence that empowers you to build long-term wealth and seize control of your financial destiny. The choice is yours – will you commit to the frugal habits that can transform your financial life?