If You Really Want to Improve Your IQ, Start Doing These 5 Things

If You Really Want to Improve Your IQ, Start Doing These 5 Things

Do you ever wish you were just a little bit smarter? The concept of intelligence and IQ has fascinated people for many decades. While IQ was once thought to be a fixed trait determined solely by genetics, modern research paints a different picture. You can increase your IQ and cognitive abilities through lifestyle practices and targeted interventions. If enhancing your brainpower is on your to-do list, consider incorporating these five science-backed strategies into your routine.

1. Train Your Working Memory

Working memory is like your brain’s scratch pad – where you temporarily store and work with information for complex cognitive tasks. It’s also closely tied to fluid intelligence, a key component of IQ. The good news is that you can train your working memory to boost your intellectual brainpower.

One of the most effective methods is the dual n-back task. It’s a challenging exercise that involves remembering a sequence of spoken letters and a sequence of positions simultaneously. A 2008 study found that people who practiced the dual n-back task for just 25 minutes a day for four weeks significantly increased their fluid intelligence compared to the control group. Subsequent research has confirmed that working memory training can indeed enhance IQ.

To reap the benefits, aim for 20-30 minutes of working memory training 3-5 times per week. Some apps and online programs offer n-back tasks and other exercises to get you started. The key is to challenge yourself and stick with it over time.

2. Become a Polyglot

Want to flex your mental muscles? Try learning a new language. Acquiring a second (or third, or fourth) language is an intellectually demanding pursuit that engages multiple areas of the brain. And the cognitive advantages of multilingualism are well-documented.

One study found that after three months of intensive language learning, young adults showed increased density of gray matter – the brain tissue involved in processing information – in the brain’s language centers. Researchers have also discovered that bilingualism is associated with enhanced executive function, working memory, and problem-solving abilities.

You don’t have to achieve fluency to see results. Even taking an introductory language course, consistently using language learning apps, or regularly conversing with a native speaker can help sharpen your mental understanding over time. The critical thing is steady, continuous practice and progress.

3. Get Your Om On

Mindfulness meditation has surged in popularity recently as a way to reduce stress and cultivate emotional balance. But did you know it can also make you smarter? Mindfulness strengthens the brain’s cognitive capacities by training your attention and focusing on the present moment.

In one study, participants who completed just a 2-week mindfulness training program showed improved reading comprehension scores, greater working memory capacity, and reduced mind-wandering on the GRE – the test used for graduate school admissions. Other research has found that long-term meditators have increased thickness in brain areas associated with attention and sensory processing.

To get started, try incorporating 5-10 minutes of guided meditation into your daily routine and gradually work up to 20 minutes or more. Consistency is more important than lengthy sessions. Apps like Headspace and Calm offer accessible mindfulness training programs to help you build the habit.

4. Never Stop Learning

Education is one of the most robust ways to boost brainpower. Extensive research has shown that additional formal schooling can increase IQ by 1 to 5 points per year. These cognitive benefits seem to continue even into adulthood with ongoing learning.

While returning to school full-time might not be practical, look for other ways to continue stretching your mental muscles. Take an online course, attend a workshop or lecture, or join a local book club or professional development group. Continuously challenging your mind with new information and skills can pay off in neural gains.

5. Break a Sweat

Exercise might be the closest thing to a miracle drug for the mind. Numerous studies have shown that aerobic exercise – activities that get your heart pumping and your breath quickening – can significantly enhance cognitive performance, especially on tasks that require executive functions like attention and planning.

On a physiological level, aerobic exercise increases blood flow to the brain, stimulates the birth of new neurons, and strengthens the connections between brain cells. These changes are thought to underlie the cognitive improvements seen with regular physical activity.

Most health authorities recommend getting at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity like brisk walking or 75 weekly minutes of vigorous exercise like jogging, swimming, or dancing. Anything that elevates your heart rate can help elevate your IQ. Find a movement you enjoy, grab a buddy for motivation, and make it a consistent part of your life.

Case Study: Valerie’s Cognitive Transformation

Valerie, an ambitious data analyst, was stuck in a mental rut. Despite her best efforts, she struggled to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of her job, which required quick thinking, complex problem-solving, and adaptability. Valerie feared that her cognitive abilities had plateaued, limiting her potential for career advancement and personal growth.

Determined to break through this intellectual impasse, Valerie researched ways to enhance her brainpower. She discovered a wealth of scientific evidence supporting various strategies for cognitive improvement, such as working memory training, language learning, mindfulness meditation, continuing education, and aerobic exercise. Inspired by these findings, Valerie embarked on a multi-pronged approach to boosting her mental acuity.

She started by incorporating daily dual n-back training into her routine, challenging her working memory for 30 minutes each morning. Valerie also enrolled in an online Spanish course, dedicating an hour each evening to mastering a new language. She began practicing mindfulness meditation for 20 minutes during her lunch breaks to reduce stress and sharpen her focus. Additionally, Valerie signed up for a data science certification program to expand her skill set and keep her mind engaged in continuous learning.

Key Takeaways

  • Working memory training, such as practicing dual n-back tasks for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times per week, can increase fluid intelligence and IQ scores.
  • Learning a new language engages multiple brain areas and enhances cognitive abilities, including executive function, working memory, and problem-solving skills.
  • Practicing mindfulness meditation for 20 minutes daily can improve attention, working memory capacity, and overall cognitive performance.
  • Pursuing continued education, whether through formal schooling or self-directed learning activities like online courses and workshops, has been consistently linked to increases in IQ.
  • Regular aerobic exercise, aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, can significantly enhance cognitive performance and brain health.
  • Boosting IQ requires a multifaceted approach and consistent effort over time, but incorporating these scientifically supported strategies into your lifestyle can help you reach your full cognitive potential.


Increasing your intelligence is within your reach. While popping a pill or waving a magic wand might be easier, boosting your brainpower takes diligence, dedication, and a multi-pronged approach. By engaging in practices like working memory training, language learning, meditation, continued education, and exercise, you can create the conditions for your mind to grow and flourish.