5 Things Rich People Do to Build Wealth with Discipline

5 Things Rich People Do to Build Wealth with Discipline

Building substantial wealth isn’t just about making money—it’s about managing it with unwavering discipline. The ultra-wealthy don’t just stumble upon their fortunes; they cultivate them through consistent, strategic actions.

While their methods may seem out of reach for the average person, many of these strategies can be adapted and applied at various income levels. Let’s explore five critical approaches that the wealthy use to build and maintain their wealth, all anchored in the power of discipline.

1. Leverage Debt Strategically with Rigorous Risk Management

Contrary to popular belief, the wealthy don’t shy away from debt—they harness it. Leverage, the use of borrowed capital to increase the potential return of an investment, is a powerful tool in the rich’s arsenal. However, the key to their success lies not in reckless borrowing but in disciplined risk management.

Wealthy individuals approach leverage with calculated precision. They meticulously assess each opportunity, only employing borrowed funds when the potential rewards significantly outweigh the risks. This process involves:

  • Conducting thorough due diligence on every investment prospect
  • Adhering to strict, predetermined investment criteria
  • Consistently monitoring debt levels to avoid overexposure

Disciplined leverage of borrowed capital, much like a well-tuned strategy in sports, requires consistent effort and emotional control to navigate market fluctuations and achieve long-term financial goals. The wealthy multiply their assets by applying these rigorous strategies while maintaining a firm grip on potential downsides.

For those looking to incorporate this strategy, start small. Consider using leverage in low-risk scenarios, such as a mortgage on a rental property, where the potential returns are straightforward and the risks are manageable.

2. Optimize Taxes Through Consistent Planning and Execution

One of the rich’s most potent wealth-building tools is strategic tax optimization. This isn’t about finding loopholes or evading taxes but rather about understanding and legally utilizing the tax code to its fullest extent.

Wealthy individuals take a proactive, year-round approach to tax planning:

  • They regularly consult with tax professionals to stay ahead of changing laws
  • Meticulously organize their financial affairs to maximize tax efficiency
  • Consistently contribute to tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs
  • Strategically time the realization of capital gains and losses
  • Utilize trusts and other legal structures to protect and transfer wealth tax-efficiently

A study by Vanguard found that tax-efficient investing strategies can add up to 0.75% in annual net returns for taxable investors. While this may seem small, it compounds significantly over time, potentially adding hundreds of thousands or even millions to one’s wealth over a lifetime.

To optimize your taxes, consider maximizing contributions to tax-advantaged retirement accounts and educating yourself on tax-efficient investment strategies.

3. Access Private Markets with Patient, Long-Term Commitment

One significant advantage the wealthy have is access to private markets—investments not readily available to the average investor. These include private equity, venture capital, and hedge funds. While these opportunities can offer substantial returns, they require a disciplined approach and long-term commitment.

Wealthy investors excel in private markets by:

  • Conducting extensive due diligence before committing capital
  • Diversifying across different private assets to mitigate risk
  • Demonstrating patience and resisting the urge to withdraw funds prematurely

McKinsey’s Global Private Markets Review 2024 notes that private markets have experienced significant growth, with assets under management increasing from $3.8 trillion in 2014 to $13.1 trillion in recent years. This success is mainly due to the ability to capitalize on high-growth opportunities not available in public markets.

While direct access to many private market investments may be limited to accredited investors, there are ways for smaller investors to gain exposure. Consider exploring publicly traded private equity firms or specialized ETFs that provide some access to private market returns.

4. Harness the Power of Compounding Through Disciplined Reinvestment

Compound interest has been called the world’s eighth wonder, and the wealthy take this concept to heart. The disciplined practice of consistently reinvesting earnings—dividends, interest, and capital gains—is crucial for exponential wealth growth.

Wealthy individuals resist the temptation to spend these earnings on immediate gratifications. Instead, they systematically reinvest to generate additional returns, which accelerates the growth of their investment portfolios exponentially.

Studies have consistently shown that reinvesting dividends can significantly enhance long-term investment returns. While the exact figures may vary, the power of compound growth through dividend reinvestment is a well-established principle in investing. This stark difference illustrates the immense power of disciplined reinvestment.

To apply this strategy, consider setting up automatic dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) for your investments. Also, resist the urge to spend unexpected windfalls or bonuses, instead channeling them into your investment portfolio.

5. Cultivate Strategic Networks with Purposeful Relationship Management

Wealth rarely grows in isolation. The rich understand that who you know can be as important as what you know. They approach networking not as a casual social activity but as a critical business function requiring discipline and strategy.

Wealthy individuals build and leverage their networks by:

  • Consistently investing time in relationship building and maintenance
  • Strategically engaging in industry events and professional organizations
  • Participating in philanthropic activities that align with their values and goals
  • Seeking out mentors and becoming mentors themselves

This disciplined approach to networking opens doors to exclusive opportunities, insider knowledge, potential partnerships, and investment deals not available to the general public. Multiple Harvard Business Review articles highlight the importance of social capital for organizational success, emphasizing that its cultivation requires intentional effort and discipline.

To start building your strategic network, identify key events or organizations in your industry and commit to regular participation. Focus on building genuine relationships rather than merely collecting contacts.


The path to substantial wealth is paved with disciplined actions and strategic decision-making. By leveraging debt wisely, optimizing taxes, accessing private markets, harnessing compound growth, and cultivating strong networks, the wealthy create a robust foundation for financial success.

While some of these strategies may seem challenging to implement, many can be adapted and applied at various stages of one’s financial journey. The key takeaway is that building wealth isn’t just about making money—it’s about managing it with unwavering discipline.

By incorporating these principles into your financial strategy, you can start building wealth like the rich, regardless of your starting point. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and in the world of wealth building, that step is discipline.