The Top 5 Passive Income Ideas According to Robert Kiyosaki

The Top 5 Passive Income Ideas According to Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and financial educator, has long advocated for creating multiple passive income streams as a path to financial freedom. His strategies focus on building wealth through smart investments and business acumen.

In this article, we’ll explore Kiyosaki’s top five passive income ideas, offering insights into how you can apply these concepts to your financial journey.

1. Real Estate Investments

Real estate stands at the forefront of Kiyosaki’s wealth-building strategies. He consistently emphasizes its potential for generating passive income and building long-term wealth. The appeal of real estate lies in its tangible nature and the multiple ways it can provide returns.

Kiyosaki promotes various types of real estate investments:

  • Rental properties (residential and commercial)
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Commercial real estate

One key advantage Kiyosaki likes is the power of leverage in real estate. Using borrowed capital allows investors to control more properties than capital on hand and potentially amplify their returns. This strategy, when executed carefully, can accelerate wealth accumulation.

Cash flow from rental income is another crucial aspect of real estate investing that Kiyosaki champions. A well-chosen property can provide a steady monthly income while potentially appreciating over time. This dual benefit of current income and long-term appreciation makes real estate an attractive option for many investors.

Consider the case of an investor who purchases a multi-unit apartment building. The property generates positive cash flow each month by ensuring the rental income exceeds the mortgage payments and operating expenses. Over time, as the mortgage balance decreases and property value increases, the investor’s equity grows, creating additional wealth.

However, it’s important to note that real estate investing isn’t without risks. Market fluctuations, unexpected maintenance costs, and the potential for problematic tenants are all factors to consider. Kiyosaki often stresses the importance of thorough due diligence and continuous education to mitigate these risks.

2. Business Ownership and Systems

Kiyosaki distinguishes between being self-employed and being a business owner. While self-employment can lead to being trapped in a job you own, actual business ownership involves creating systems that generate income without your constant involvement.

The key to creating a passive income stream through business ownership lies in developing robust systems and building effective teams. This approach allows the business to operate and generate profits even when you’re not actively working.

Examples of businesses that can generate passive income include:

  • Online companies with automated sales and delivery systems
  • Franchise ownership with a robust operational model
  • Vending machine routes with reliable restocking systems

The potential for scalability is a significant advantage of business ownership. Once you’ve established a successful model, you can often replicate it to increase your income without a proportional increase in effort.

Starting and running a business comes with challenges, including initial capital investment, market competition, and the need to adapt to market changes. However, business ownership can lead to substantial passive income streams for those willing to put in the upfront work.

3. Intellectual Property Creation

Intellectual property (IP) is a cornerstone of Kiyosaki’s passive income strategy, and his success with books and educational games is a prime example. IP refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and music used in commerce.

Forms of intellectual property that can generate passive income include:

  • Books and e-books
  • Online courses and educational content
  • Software and apps
  • Patents and Trademarks
  • Music and art royalties

The beauty of intellectual property lies in its ability to generate income long after the initial creation. Once you’ve written a book or developed a software application, it can continue to sell and produce royalties for years.

For aspiring creators, the first step is to identify your area of expertise or passion. Then, consider how you can package that knowledge or creativity into a form others value. This might mean writing a how-to book, creating an online course, or developing a unique software tool.

While creating intellectual property often requires significant upfront effort, the long-term passive income potential can be substantial. It’s essential to be prepared for the challenges, such as marketing your creation and protecting your intellectual property rights.

4. Covered Call Options Strategy

Kiyosaki advocates using covered call options to generate regular income from an investment portfolio. This approach involves owning shares of a stock and selling call options on those shares.

Here’s a simplified example of how a covered call works:

  1. An investor owns 100 shares of XYZ stock, currently trading at $50 per share.
  2. They sell a call option with a strike price of $55 and an expiration date of one month for a premium of $2 per share.
  3. The investor immediately receives $200 (100 shares x $2 premium) as income.

If the stock price remains below $55 at expiration, the investor keeps the premium and can repeat the process. If the stock rises above $55, the shares may be called away, but the investor still profits from the stock appreciation up to $55 plus the option premium.

This strategy can provide a steady income stream, particularly in sideways or slightly bullish markets. However, it’s crucial to understand that it limits potential upside if the stock price rises significantly.

Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of financial education before employing options strategies. These instruments can be complex, and investors can expose themselves to significant risks without proper understanding.

5. Paper Assets and Financial Instruments

While Kiyosaki is often associated with real estate and business ownership, he recognizes the role of paper assets in a diversified passive income strategy. Paper assets refer to financial instruments that derive value from a contractual claim.

Critical paper assets for generating passive income include:

  • Stocks (particularly dividend-paying stocks)
  • Bonds
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
  • Peer-to-peer lending notes

These assets can provide regular income through dividends, interest payments, or distributions. For example, a portfolio of carefully selected dividend-paying stocks can offer a steady stream of quarterly revenue with the potential for long-term capital appreciation.

Diversification within your paper asset portfolio is crucial. By spreading investments across different asset types and sectors, you can help manage risk and potentially smooth out returns over time.

Kiyosaki consistently emphasizes the need for financial education when investing in paper assets. Understanding market trends, company financials, and economic indicators is essential for making informed investment decisions.


Robert Kiyosaki’s approach to passive income encompasses diverse strategies, from tangible assets like real estate to financial instruments and intellectual property. Each method offers unique benefits and challenges, underscoring the importance of continuous learning and careful research before making investment decisions.

By combining these strategies – real estate investments, business ownership, intellectual property creation, covered call options, and paper assets – investors can work towards building multiple streams of passive income. This diversified approach aligns with Kiyosaki’s philosophy of creating sustainable wealth and achieving financial freedom.

As you explore these passive income ideas, it’s crucial to consider your financial situation, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. While these strategies can be powerful tools for building wealth, they require commitment, education, and often significant upfront investment of time or capital.

By starting with thorough research and possibly seeking advice from financial professionals, you can chart your path to financial independence using Kiyosaki’s principles as a guide.