10 Things High-Achievers Always Do Before 8.am.

10 Things High-Achievers Always Do Before 8.am.

How you start your morning sets the tone for your entire day. Many high achievers largely credit their success to consistent, purposeful morning routines, which align their actions with their goals when they first wake up.

Science supports the impact of morning habits on productivity, well-being, and performance. Research shows your brain is primed for certain activities in the morning hours. Cortisol levels peak around 8 a.m., boosting natural energy and focus. The specific habits you establish can harness this brain state to maximize your potential.

1. Wake Up Early and Consistently

High achievers tend to be early risers, often rising between 5:00 and 6:30 a.m. But the exact time matters less than consistency. Waking up at the same time every day, weekends included, regulates your circadian rhythm, leading to better sleep and overall health.

Consistent early rising may have mental health benefits, too. One study found people genetically predisposed to waking up an hour earlier had a 23% lower risk of depression.

2. Hydrate Immediately

After a night without fluids, your body needs water first thing. Many successful people start the day with a big glass of water before coffee or anything else. Hydrating immediately boosts metabolism, improves brain function, and benefits skin health.

Health-conscious celebs swear by it, too. Cameron Diaz downs a full liter of water after waking up. You may not need that much. But kicking off your day with a big glass of H2O is an easy, impactful habit.

3. Get Moving

Exercise, in any form, is a staple morning habit for high achievers. Some swear by a full sweat session, while others do some stretches or yoga to get the blood flowing. Physical activity early in the day boosts energy, improves focus, and has lasting mood benefits.

Preferences vary. Oprah Winfrey exercises for an hour every morning in her home gym. If that’s unrealistic for you, shorter bursts of movement still significantly benefit mood, energy, and performance.

4. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

Many top performers incorporate some form of mindfulness or meditation into their mornings. Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey starts each day with an hour of meditation at 6:15 a.m.

Research has well documented the benefits of mindfulness practice. It improves focus, resilience, and emotional regulation. If an hour seems impossible, even a few minutes using a guided app can be beneficial.

5. Plan and Prioritize the Day

High achievers often use mornings to map out their priorities for the day. This could mean reviewing big-picture goals, making a to-do list, or blocking out time on their calendar.

Planning your day in the morning capitalizes on your brain’s peak alertness levels thanks to naturally high cortisol around 8 a.m. That clarity is conducive to making intelligent decisions about directing your time and energy.

6. Reflect on the Big Picture

Zooming out for self-reflection is a common practice of successful people. Steve Jobs famously asked himself each morning, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?

Taking a few minutes to ponder big-picture questions can provide motivation and ensure your daily actions align with your core values and life goals. It’s a small habit that keeps you focused on what matters most.

7. Fuel Your Brain

A nourishing breakfast is a must for high performers. The exact menu varies, but it often features protein and healthy fats for sustained energy and brain power. Research shows that a nutritious breakfast boosts memory and attention.

The key is choosing wholesome, nutrient-dense foods rather than sugary options that lead to an energy crash. Eggs, Greek yogurt, oatmeal with nuts and berries, or a green smoothie are great options.

8. Get Some Sunshine

Exposure to natural light in the morning keeps your circadian rhythm running smoothly. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist at Stanford, recommends getting 2-10 minutes of direct sunlight within an hour of waking.

This practice keeps your body’s internal clock synced up, leading to better sleep at night and more daytime alertness. If it’s dark when you wake up, a lightbox can simulate the benefits.

9. Learn Something New

Many high achievers set aside morning time for intentional learning. Warren Buffett famously reads 500 pages daily, much of that in the morning. You likely have less time to spare. However, squeezing even a few pages of reading or a short online course can have benefits.

Mornings are ideal for learning because that is the time when your brain is freshest. Challenge yourself to learn one new thing each morning, however small. It will add up over time.

10. Practice Gratitude

Beginning the day with gratitude is a powerful habit of successful people. Some journal a few things they appreciate each morning, while others silently acknowledge something they’re thankful for.

A morning gratitude practice has real benefits. Studies link it to better mental health, sounder sleep, and stronger resilience in the face of stress or challenges. It’s a simple way to start your day with positivity and perspective.

Case Study: How Ian Transformed His Life with a Power Morning Routine

Ian, a busy entrepreneur, used to start his days feeling scattered and unproductive. He was constantly putting out fires and never felt like he had time for the big-picture strategizing his growing business needed. Feeling perpetually behind and reactive was taking a toll on his stress levels and work satisfaction.

Determined to change, Ian began researching the habits of highly successful people. He noticed a common theme—most had intentional morning routines that set them up for focused, productive days. Ian committed to creating his power morning routine, hoping it would bring the same benefits.

He started waking up an hour earlier and using that extra time mindfully. He began each day by hydrating, practicing a short meditation, and setting 3 top priorities. He squeezed in a quick workout a few mornings a week and made time for a nourishing breakfast. Instead of diving straight into email, he used his peak morning mental clarity for focused work on his business’s most important projects.

The impact was gradual but profound. After a few weeks, Ian noticed he felt clearer-headed and more in control. He was getting his most important work done early, creating a greater sense of accomplishment. The calm and focus from his morning routine seemed to carry over into the rest of his day. While every morning wasn’t perfect, the habit made a meaningful difference. Ian felt like he was finally working on his business, not just in it, and was excited to see how his morning power routine would continue transforming his workdays – and his entrepreneurial journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Your morning routine sets the tone for your entire day and can significantly impact your productivity, well-being, and success.
  • High achievers often share everyday morning habits that are backed by scientific research.
  • Waking up early and consistently daily helps regulate your circadian rhythm, leading to better sleep and overall health.
  • Hydrating immediately after waking up boosts metabolism, improves brain function, and improves skin health.
  • Even if brief, engaging in physical activity or exercise in the morning can boost energy, improve focus, and provide lasting mood benefits.
  • Practicing mindfulness or meditation in the morning can improve focus, resilience, and emotional regulation.
  • Planning and prioritizing your day in the morning takes advantage of your brain’s peak alertness levels and helps you make better decisions about how to direct your time and energy.
  • Taking time for self-reflection in the morning can help ensure your daily actions align with your core values and long-term goals.
  • Eating a nourishing, protein-rich breakfast supports sustained energy and brain power throughout the day.
  • Exposure to natural light within an hour of waking helps keep your circadian rhythm in sync, leading to better sleep and daytime alertness.
  • Setting aside time for learning or reading in the morning capitalizes on your brain’s freshness and ability to focus.
  • Practicing gratitude in the morning is linked to better mental health, sounder sleep, and stronger resilience.
  • Establishing a morning routine requires consistency and tailoring it to individual goals and lifestyles.


Morning routines look different for everyone. However, these ten science-backed practices are common among high achievers for a reason. The key is to experiment and tailor a morning routine to your goals and lifestyle. Be consistent and give your new habits time to become second nature.

Don’t strive for perfection or get discouraged by setbacks. With consistency and intention behind your mornings, you’ll likely notice your days becoming more productive, fulfilling, and successful.