10 Habits of Successful People You Should Adopt for a Better Life

10 Habits of Successful People You Should Adopt for a Better Life

We all want to be successful in life, but sometimes it can feel like an elusive goal. What does it take to achieve our dreams and thrive in our careers, relationships, and personal lives? While there’s no magic formula, it turns out that highly successful people tend to share certain habits – and these habits are backed by scientific research. By understanding the practices of high achievers and intentionally cultivating these habits, we can set ourselves up for success. Let’s explore ten critical habits that can make all the difference.

1. Getting an Early Start

Notice how successful people are often the first ones in the office? It’s not a coincidence. Studies show that early risers are more proactive, better at solving problems, and more successful overall.

Waking up early gives you a jump start on the day before distractions occur. You can use that quiet morning time for exercise, personal projects, or tackling essential tasks. The key is to have a purpose for rising early, not just for setting a painfully early alarm.

2. Prioritizing Exercise

Speaking of morning routines, exercise is a non-negotiable habit for many successful individuals. And for good reason – physical activity doesn’t just strengthen our bodies; it makes us smarter. Exercise boosts brain function, improves memory, enhances creativity, and helps us manage stress more effectively.

You don’t need to train for a triathlon to reap the benefits. Even 30 minutes of moderate exercise, like a brisk walk, can significantly affect your physical and mental performance. The most important thing is to make it a consistent habit.

3. Practicing Mindfulness

Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years, but it’s much more than a trendy self-help technique. Research shows that regular meditation practice can change the structure of our brains, increasing gray matter in regions related to learning, memory, and emotional regulation.

Highly successful people, from CEOs to world-class athletes, credit mindfulness for helping them stay focused, manage stress, and make better decisions. If sitting in silence isn’t your thing, you can practice mindfulness through deep breathing, body scans, or even mindful eating.

4. Being Voracious Readers

You’d be hard-pressed to find a highly successful person who doesn’t read regularly. Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, famously spends 80% of his day reading. Why is reading so powerful? It exposes us to new ideas, deepens our knowledge, enhances our critical thinking skills, and sparks creativity.

Successful people don’t just read for pleasure (though that’s important, too) – they read to learn and grow. Make a habit of always having a book on hand, whether a physical book, an ebook, or an audiobook for your commute. Set a daily reading goal, even if it’s just 20 pages or 20 minutes to start.

5. Setting Clear Goals

Success doesn’t happen by accident. Highly successful people are intentional about what they want to achieve and set clear, specific goals to achieve them. Vague aspirations like “be successful” or “get rich” won’t cut it. Practical goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Once you’ve set a meaningful goal, break it into smaller milestones and action steps. What do you need to do this week, this month, this year to move closer to your ultimate objective? Regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

6. Embracing a Growth Mindset

Do you believe that your basic abilities are fixed or that you can develop and improve them over time? Successful people tend to adopt the latter belief, a “growth mindset.” They see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than threats to their egos.

Cultivating a growth mindset can help you persist in facing obstacles, learn from failures, and continually push beyond your perceived limitations. When you hit a roadblock, reframe it as a chance to expand your skills and knowledge. Seek out opportunities to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

7. Committing to Continuous Learning

In our rapidly changing world, what you know today could be outdated tomorrow. That’s why highly successful people make continuous learning a top priority. They’re constantly seeking new knowledge and skills to stay at the top of their game.

This commitment to lifelong learning takes many forms – reading books and articles, attending workshops or conferences, taking online courses, or seeking out mentors. The key is to approach learning with curiosity and an open mind and apply what you learn to your life.

8. Building Strong Relationships

Success is rarely a solo endeavor. The most successful people are often the best connected, with robust professional and personal networks. But networking isn’t about schmoozing or collecting business cards – it’s about building genuine, mutually beneficial relationships.

Focus on adding value to others, whether that’s by sharing resources, making introductions, or offering your skills and expertise. Stay in touch with your network regularly, not just when you need something. Express gratitude and appreciation for the people who support you.

9. Mastering Time Management

We all have the same 24 hours each day, but some people seem to accomplish so much more. What’s their secret? Highly successful individuals are masters of time management. They’re ruthless about prioritizing high-impact activities, minimizing distractions, and protecting their time.

Effective time management often means saying no to nonessential tasks and requests. It means being focused and fully present during work time blocks and taking strategic breaks to recharge. Experiment with time management techniques like time-blocking, the Pomodoro method, or the Eisenhower matrix to find what works best for you.

10. Prioritizing Self-Care

Finally, one of the most overlooked habits of highly successful people is their commitment to self-care. When you’re chasing big goals, it’s easy to sacrifice sleep, proper nutrition, exercise, and relaxation time. But that’s a recipe for burnout, not sustainable success.

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish – it’s strategic. Successful people prioritize their physical and mental well-being to show up as their best selves every day. Make time for hobbies, rest, and fun with family and friends. Practice good sleep hygiene. Eat natural, nourishing foods. Make self-care an essential piece of your success plan.

Case Study: From Struggling Entrepreneur to Thriving Business Owner

Eric had always dreamed of starting his own business, but he struggled to gain traction in the competitive world of entrepreneurship. Despite his passion and hard work, he was overwhelmed, unfocused, and on the verge of burnout. Realizing that something needed to change, Eric began to research the habits of successful people.

Inspired by what he learned, Eric started implementing small changes in his daily routine. He began waking up earlier to exercise and plan his day, setting clear goals and prioritizing his tasks. He also committed to reading industry-related books and attending workshops to expand his knowledge and skills.

As Eric continued to develop these habits, he noticed a significant shift in his mindset and productivity. He approached challenges with a growth mindset, seeing them as opportunities to learn and improve. He also focused on building genuine relationships with clients, colleagues, and mentors, understanding the value of a strong network.

Over time, Eric’s consistent efforts paid off. His business began to thrive, and he achieved the success he had always envisioned. By embracing the habits of highly successful individuals and adapting them to his own life, Eric transformed from a struggling entrepreneur to a confident and thriving business owner. His story serves as a testament to the power of habits and the importance of continuous personal and professional growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Highly successful people share many everyday habits that contribute to their success.
  • Waking up early allows for a proactive start to the day and time for critical personal activities.
  • Regular exercise boosts cognitive function, mood, energy levels, and overall performance.
  • Mindfulness and meditation can change brain structure, improve focus, and reduce stress.
  • Reading voraciously expands knowledge, sparks creativity, and enhances critical thinking skills.
  • Setting clear, SMART goals and prioritizing them is crucial for success.
  • Adopting a growth mindset helps individuals embrace challenges and persist despite setbacks.
  • Continuous learning is essential for staying relevant and thriving in a rapidly changing world.
  • Building solid and genuine relationships and networking strategically contribute to success.
  • Effective time management involves prioritizing high-impact tasks, minimizing distractions, and protecting time.
  • Prioritizing self-care, including sleep, nutrition, and relaxation, is vital for sustainable success.
  • Success is achieved through consistent, daily habits that shape actions, mindset, and results over time.


Ultimately, success isn’t about luck, talent, or a single defining moment. It’s about the consistent, everyday habits that shape our actions, mindsets, and results over time. By modeling the habits of highly successful individuals and adapting them to our own unique goals and lifestyles, we can dramatically increase our chances of achieving our dreams.