7 Habits to Keep You Motivated Every Day, According to Psychology

7 Habits to Keep You Motivated Every Day, According to Psychology

Motivation is the fuel that propels us towards our goals and dreams. But let’s face it – staying motivated day in and day out can feel like an uphill battle. Life throws curveballs that can leave us feeling deflated and ready to throw in the towel.

However, psychology has uncovered several evidence-based habits that can help rekindle your motivational fire. By weaving these practices into the fabric of your daily life, you can cultivate a constant reservoir of drive and enthusiasm to pursue what matters most to you.

1. Define Your Destination with Clear and Specific Goals

Imagine setting out on a road trip without a clear destination in mind. You might enjoy the scenery for a while but eventually feel aimless and lost. The same is true for your goals. Vague, hazy aspirations like “be successful” or “get in shape” are like driving without a roadmap – they’re unlikely to get you where you want to go.

The antidote? Set clear, specific goals. Psychological research consistently shows well-defined objectives are far more motivating than general intentions.

2. Mentally Rehearse Your Victory

The mind is a powerful tool, and what we picture in our mind’s eye profoundly impacts our motivation and performance. Countless studies have demonstrated the potency of visualization in boosting drive and achievement.

Make it a daily habit to vividly imagine yourself succeeding in your endeavors. Set aside a few minutes daily to close your eyes and mentally rehearse your triumphs. Engage all your senses in the visualization—see, hear, feel, and even smell your success. Focus on the positive emotions you’ll experience when you reach your goals.

3. Adopt an “Always Growing” Mindset

One of the most significant barriers to sustained motivation is the belief that our abilities are fixed—that we’re either naturally good at something or we’re not. This “fixed mindset,” as psychologist Carol Dweck describes it, can quickly lead to discouragement and loss of motivation when we encounter challenges or setbacks.

The solution is cultivating a “growth mindset” – the conviction that our abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. When you embrace the idea that challenges are growth opportunities and failure is simply a learning experience, you’re far more likely to maintain your motivation in the face of adversity.

4. Be Kind to Yourself

We’re often our own worst critics, quick to criticize ourselves for every misstep or shortcoming. But this constant self-criticism can be a motivation killer. Research shows that self-compassion – treating ourselves with kindness, care, and understanding – is a far more effective fuel for motivation and resilience.

Make it a daily practice to be gentle with yourself. When you face challenges or setbacks, treat yourself as you would a good friend – with words of encouragement and support rather than harsh criticism. Recognize that struggle and failure are universal human experiences, not personal flaws. Use positive self-talk to cheer yourself on. Become your own best friend.

5. Incentivize Yourself with Strategic Rewards

The promise of a reward can be a powerful motivational force. Decades of psychological research on reinforcement have shown that strategically timed rewards can significantly boost motivation and drive.

Make it a habit to set up a system of rewards for achieving key milestones in your goals. Pick rewards that genuinely excite and inspire you. Make the rewards proportional to the achievement – a bigger win deserves a more significant treat. Be sure to reward yourself promptly after reaching the goal, reinforcing the link between success and positive outcomes.

6. Enlist Allies for Your Journey

No one succeeds alone. A strong network of supportive, encouraging people in your corner can be an enormous boon to your motivation and drive. Countless studies have confirmed the power of social support in fueling goal achievement.

Make it a priority to surround yourself with people who believe in your goals and want to see you succeed. Seek out groups, communities, or organizations aligned with your aspirations. Enlist friends, family, colleagues, or mentors as cheerleaders and accountability partners. Share your goals and progress with people who will celebrate your wins and encourage you through your struggles.

7. Make Mindfulness a Way of Life

Stress, distraction, and negative emotions are all common motivation sappers. Luckily, a simple mindfulness habit has been shown to combat these mental and emotional roadblocks effectively. Regular mindfulness practice has been linked with increased focus, reduced stress, and improved ability to regulate emotions – all critical ingredients for sustaining motivation over the long haul.

Make mindfulness a part of your daily routine. Set aside a few minutes daily to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. Use mindfulness techniques to bring more presence and intentionality to your day-to-day activities. When stress or negative emotions arise, employ mindful breathing or body scans to find your center.

Case Study: Tina’s Journey to Lasting Motivation

Tina, a talented landscape architect, had always been passionate about her work. However, after years in the industry, she found herself in a motivational rut. The long hours, demanding clients, and endless deadlines had taken their toll, leaving her feeling drained and uninspired.

Determined to rekindle her spark, Tina began exploring strategies for sustaining motivation. She started by setting clear, specific goals for her projects and breaking them down into manageable steps. Each morning, she took a few minutes to visualize herself completing her tasks and feeling satisfied with a job well done.

Tina also made a conscious effort to reframe her mindset. Instead of getting discouraged by setbacks or critiques, she chose to view them as opportunities for growth and learning. She practiced self-compassion, reminding herself that everyone faces challenges and that she is doing her best. To keep herself accountable and energized, Tina joined a group of fellow landscape architects who met regularly to share ideas and cheer each other on.

As Tina incorporated these habits into her daily life, she noticed a profound shift in her motivation and outlook. She approached her projects with renewed enthusiasm and creativity and found herself more resilient in facing obstacles. By taking charge of her motivation, Tina rediscovered her love for her work and unlocked new levels of professional fulfillment.

Key Takeaways

  • Setting clear, specific goals that are measurable and actionable is crucial for maintaining motivation.
  • Visualizing success daily by mentally rehearsing achievements can significantly boost motivation and performance.
  • Adopting a growth mindset, which views challenges as opportunities and failures as learning experiences, fosters resilience and sustained motivation.
  • Practicing self-compassion by treating oneself with kindness and understanding is more effective for motivation than harsh self-criticism.
  • Establishing a system of meaningful rewards for achieving milestones can leverage the brain’s reward circuitry to enhance motivation.
  • Surrounding oneself with supportive, like-minded people creates a motivating environment and encourages challenges.
  • Incorporating mindfulness techniques into daily life improves focus, reduces stress, and regulates emotions, all contributing to sustained motivation.
  • Building these habits takes time, patience, and consistency but leads to lasting changes in motivation and achievement.
  • By making these evidence-based practices a core part of one’s life, anyone can become the architect of their motivation and success.


Weaving these seven habits into your life won’t happen overnight. It takes time and practice to make them a natural part of your life. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you work to incorporate them. Start small, focusing on one or two habits at a time. As they start to feel more automatic, add in the others.

With consistency and commitment, these practices will become the motivational scaffolding that supports you in reaching your highest aspirations. You’ll find yourself facing each day with renewed drive, focus, and enthusiasm. Challenges that once would have derailed you will now become fuel for your growth. The goals that once felt out of reach will gradually come into view.