7 Tips for Building Strong Self-Control, According to Psychology

7 Tips for Building Strong Self-Control, According to Psychology

Self-control is a skill that touches nearly every part of our lives. Whether you want to improve your health, relationships, career, or overall life satisfaction, having strong self-control is essential. Psychologists have extensively studied self-control to figure out how it works and what we can do to enhance this critical ability. It’s a common misconception that self-control is a finite resource that ultimately gets used up.

In reality, our beliefs about willpower have a considerable impact. Studies show that people who see their willpower as an abundant resource tend to have better self-control, even after doing complex tasks requiring much effort and restraint.

1. Set Clear, Specific Goals

The foundation of strong self-control is well-defined goals. You need to know precisely what you’re working towards. Psychologists suggest using the SMART framework for setting practical goals:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

When you set clear, concrete objectives, you give your mind a precise target to lock onto. This makes it much easier to stay on track and match your behaviors to your intentions. Avoid vague goals like “I want to get fit.” Instead, set a specific goal like “I will go to the gym for a one-hour workout every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning for the next three months.”

2. Break It Down

Big aspirations and long-term goals can feel overwhelming. When a task seems too daunting, our self-control often falters. To prevent this, break larger objectives down into bite-sized, manageable chunks. Researchers call these “implementation intentions,” and it’s been proven to dramatically boost your odds of achieving a goal.

For example, if you want to write a book, that can feel like an enormous undertaking. But if you break it down and set a goal to write 500 words daily, it suddenly feels doable. These small daily targets give you a realistic, sustainable way to make concrete progress. As you hit these milestones, you build momentum, and your capacity for self-control grows.

3. Shape Your Environment

Never underestimate the power of your surroundings to influence your ability to control yourself. Studies have found that proactively optimizing your environment is usually more practical than white-knuckling your way through temptation.

Take active steps to make your environment more conducive to self-control:

  • Eliminate distractions and set up your workspace for focused productivity
  • Keep healthy food on hand and get rid of the junk if you want to improve your diet
  • Use technology tools to block time-wasting websites and apps during work hours

By thoughtfully curating your environment, you minimize the number of self-control challenges you have to deal with, freeing up your energy and willpower when needed. You’re not constantly swimming upstream against your surroundings.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Improving self-awareness is a powerful way to master self-control. Mindfulness practices like meditation have been shown to improve self-regulation skills. By identifying and addressing your thoughts, emotions, urges, and impulses, you can better recognize and navigate situations that test your self-control.

Work simple mindfulness techniques into your routine:

  • Pause and take a few conscious breaths before making decisions, especially in difficult moments
  • Try “body scans,” where you mentally tune into your physical state and sensations
  • Develop a regular meditation habit, even just 5-10 minutes a day, to strengthen overall mindfulness

5. Prioritize Sleep and Self-Care

If you want to optimize your self-control, you can’t neglect self-care fundamentals. In particular, getting enough high-quality sleep is crucial. The research is clear – sleep deprivation impairs our decision-making and makes us more prone to acting on unhelpful impulses. Most people need 7-9 hours per night for peak mental performance and self-control.

Likewise, healthy habits like regular exercise, nutritious eating, and effective stress management provide a strong foundation for self-discipline. They help you maintain your mental and physical stamina—the very resources you need to master your impulses and behaviors.

6. Use “If-Then” Planning

A simple but highly effective tactic for self-control is using “implementation intentions” or “if-then” plans. The format is: “If [challenging situation], then I will [desired action].” For example:

  • If I feel the urge to scroll social media during my focused work block, I will close the tab and take three deep breaths
  • If my alarm goes off at 6 a.m., I will leave bed immediately and put on my workout clothes

Implementation intentions work by automating your healthy choices. By deciding exactly how you’ll respond to temptations or difficult moments, you skip a lot of the internal struggle and second-guessing.

7. Be Patient and Celebrate Small Wins

Building robust self-control is a gradual process. Establishing new habits and rewiring old patterns takes time and repetition. You will almost certainly have setbacks and moments of weakness along the way—that’s totally normal and okay. What matters is that you stay persistent and keep coming back to these practices.

Take time to notice and celebrate the small victories. You reinforce your self-control muscle every time you act with intention and discipline, even in minor ways. Those “micro-successes” may not feel like much in isolation, but they compound into lasting positive changes over time.

Case Study: Trina’s Journey to Mastering Self-Control

Trina, an ambitious entrepreneur, has always struggled with maintaining focus and discipline in her personal and professional life. Despite her passion for her startup, she often procrastinates on essential tasks and gives in to distractions. Trina realized that her lack of self-control prevented her from reaching her full potential.

Determined to make a change, Trina started by setting clear, specific goals for her business and personal development. She broke down her long-term objectives into smaller, manageable milestones and created a daily schedule prioritizing her most important tasks. Trina also optimized her work environment, minimizing distractions and surrounding herself with resources that supported her goals.

Trina began practicing mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes each morning to strengthen her self-control further. This helped her become more aware of her thoughts and impulses throughout the day, allowing her to make more intentional choices. She also prioritized self-care, ensuring she slept well, maintained a balanced diet, and regularly engaged in physical activity.

As Trina implemented these strategies, she found her ability to resist temptations and stay focused gradually improving. She used “if-then” planning to anticipate and prepare for challenging situations, such as creating a rule to leave her phone in another room during deep work sessions. Over time, Trina’s enhanced self-control translated into tangible results – her startup hit key growth milestones ahead of schedule, and she felt more fulfilled and aligned with her values. Trina’s journey demonstrates that anyone can develop the self-control needed to thrive with consistent effort and the proper techniques.

Key Takeaways

  • Self-control is a skill that impacts nearly every aspect of our lives, from health and relationships to career success and personal fulfillment.
  • Our beliefs about willpower are crucial in our ability to exercise self-control. Adopt a mindset that your self-control can be strengthened like a muscle.
  • Set specific goals using the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  • Break larger objectives into smaller, more manageable steps to make the overall goal less intimidating and provide yourself with frequent opportunities to experience success.
  • Shape your environment to reduce the need for active self-control by removing distractions and temptations.
  • Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to recognize and better manage situations challenging your self-control.
  • Prioritize sleep and self-care to maintain the physical and mental resources necessary for solid self-control.
  • Use implementation intentions or “if-then” plans to automate your healthy choices and minimize internal struggle in challenging moments.
  • Building self-control is a gradual process that requires patience, persistence, and celebrating small victories.


By incorporating these psychology-backed strategies, you can systematically strengthen your self-control and align your daily actions with your deepest goals and values. Stay patient, keep putting in the work, and trust the process. With dedication and consistency, you can become a master of your mind and behavior. You can develop the self-possession to create the life you want.