7 Habits of Wealthy People, According to Psychology

7 Habits of Wealthy People, According to Psychology

Wealth isn’t just about luck or inheritance. Often, it results from specific habits and mindsets cultivated over time. Psychology has identified key behaviors common among wealthy individuals, offering insights that can be valuable for anyone aspiring to build wealth.

Understanding and implementing these habits can potentially improve your financial mindset and outlook for wealth building. Let’s explore seven habits that psychological research suggests are prevalent among the wealthy and how to incorporate them into your life.

1. Embrace Proactivity and Take Control

Wealthy individuals tend to have what psychologists call an internal locus of control. This means they believe they can influence their circumstances rather than feeling at the mercy of external forces. This proactive approach is crucial in financial decision-making and wealth-building.

Research has consistently shown that people with an internal locus of control are more likely to achieve financial success. They take responsibility for their financial situation and actively work to improve it. For example, instead of blaming the economy for a job loss, a proactive person might use the opportunity to start a business or acquire new skills.

To develop a more proactive mindset, start by identifying areas of your financial life where you feel powerless. Then, brainstorm actions you can take to influence those areas. It could be as simple as setting up automatic savings transfers or as complex as creating a detailed investment strategy. The key is to focus on what you can control and take decisive action.

2. Cultivate a Goal-Oriented Mindset

Wealthy individuals are known for setting clear, long-term financial goals. They utilize visualization techniques to imagine their desired future vividly, which psychologists have found can increase motivation and the likelihood of achievement.

Wealthy people often work backward from their big goals, creating actionable plans to reach them. For instance, if the goal is to retire with $5 million in 30 years, they might break it down into annual savings targets, investment strategies, and career milestones.

To practice this habit, try this exercise: Write down your most significant financial goal. Then, visualize in detail what achieving that goal looks like. How does it feel? What does your life look like? Now, work backward. What steps must you take this year, this month, and this week to achieve that goal? This process can help make even the most ambitious goals feel more achievable.

3. Master Prioritization and Time Management

Time is a finite resource, and wealthy people view it as their most valuable asset. They utilize prioritization tools like the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on urgency and importance, to ensure they focus on activities that truly matter.

While successful individuals often work longer hours, their efficiency within those hours truly sets them apart. They prioritize wealth-building activities, such as networking, learning about investments, or working on their businesses, over time-wasters like excessive TV watching or aimless social media scrolling.

To improve your time management, try tracking your activities for a week. Identify where you spend time on low-value activities and consider how to reallocate that time to high-value wealth-building pursuits. Small changes, like dedicating an hour a day to financial education or side hustle development, can have significant long-term impacts.

4. Commit to Continuous Learning and Self-Improvement

Wealthy individuals often exhibit what psychologist Carol Dweck calls a “growth mindset” – the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. This mindset fuels their commitment to continuous self-improvement, particularly in financial matters.

Studies have shown that wealthy people read more books, especially on business, finance, and personal development topics. For example, a survey by Thomas Corley found that 85% of wealthy people read two or more education, career-related, or self-improvement books per month, compared to only 15% of those struggling financially.

To enhance your financial education, consider setting a goal to read one finance-related book monthly. Supplement this with podcasts, online courses, or financial seminars. The key is to make learning a consistent habit, always seeking to expand your knowledge and skills in areas that can contribute to your economic growth.

5. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Individuals

The people we surround ourselves with profoundly impact our behaviors and beliefs. This concept, known in psychology as social influence, is crucial in wealth-building. Wealthy individuals often intentionally cultivate relationships with other successful, driven people who share similar goals and mindsets.

These relationships provide more than just networking opportunities. They offer inspiration, accountability, and exposure to new ideas and perspectives. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people are likelier to make better financial decisions around others who exhibit self-control.

To apply this, seek opportunities to connect with ambitious, financially savvy individuals. This could involve joining professional associations, attending business networking events, or participating in investment clubs. Even if you’re not yet where you want to be financially, surrounding yourself with people who are can help elevate your financial behaviors and aspirations.

6. Practice Financial Discipline and Smart Money Management

At the core of wealth-building is the ability to delay gratification, a concept well-studied in psychology. The famous Stanford marshmallow test experiment demonstrated that children who could resist eating a marshmallow for a short period (thus delaying gratification) tended to have better life outcomes, including financial success.

Wealthy individuals often exemplify this trait through their financial habits. They typically live below their means, avoid unnecessary debt, and prioritize saving and investing over conspicuous consumption. For example, many millionaires drive used cars and live in modest homes, choosing to allocate their resources towards assets that can generate more wealth.

To cultivate better financial discipline, start by tracking all your expenses for a month. Identify areas where you’re overspending or making impulse purchases. Then, create a budget that prioritizes saving and investing. A good rule of thumb is to save at least 20% of your income, but wealthy individuals often save much more. Remember, every dollar saved is put to work for your future wealth.

7. Develop an Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset is the belief that there are enough resources and success to share with others. This contrasts with a scarcity mindset, which views success as a finite resource. Psychologists have found that an abundance mindset can lead to financial success by encouraging risk-taking, creativity, and collaboration.

Wealthy people often approach challenges, believing that solutions and opportunities are abundant. This optimistic outlook allows them to see potential where others might see obstacles. For instance, during economic downturns, those with an abundance mindset might look for undervalued assets to invest in rather than retreating in fear.

To cultivate an abundance mindset, practice gratitude daily. Acknowledge the resources and opportunities you already have. When faced with challenges, train yourself to ask, “What’s the opportunity here?” rather than focusing on the problem. Over time, this shift in perspective can lead to more innovative thinking and openness to wealth-building opportunities.


Building wealth involves more than intelligent investments or a high-paying job. It’s about developing habits and mindsets that support long-term financial success.

By embracing these habits, you can set yourself on the path to incredible wealth:

  1. Proactivity
  2. Setting clear goals
  3. Managing your time effectively
  4. Committing to continuous learning
  5. Surrounding yourself with the right people
  6. Practicing financial discipline
  7. Cultivating an abundance mindset.

Start implementing these habits today, and watch as small changes lead to significant results over time.