People With High Intelligence Use These Simple Mental Strategies

People With High Intelligence Use These Simple Mental Strategies

Intelligence is not just about having a high IQ; it’s about how effectively we use our cognitive abilities. Intelligent people often employ specific mental strategies that enhance their thinking, problem-solving, and learning capabilities.

In this article, we’ll explore these strategies and how you can incorporate them into your own life to boost your cognitive performance.

1. Mastering Critical Thinking and Simplification

Critical thinking is the cornerstone of high intelligence. It involves analyzing and applying information to solve real-world problems while overcoming cognitive biases. Intelligent individuals question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and draw logical conclusions.

One key aspect of critical thinking is the ability to simplify complex problems. By breaking down intricate issues into smaller, more manageable components, knowledgeable people can tackle challenges that might otherwise seem overwhelming.

For example, when faced with a complex project at work, they might divide it into distinct phases or tasks, making it easier to approach and complete.

To enhance your critical thinking skills, practice asking probing questions, seeking diverse perspectives, and challenging your assumptions. When confronted with a complex problem, try breaking it down into smaller parts and addressing each component individually.

2. Leveraging Mental Models and First Principles

Mental models are conceptual frameworks that help us understand and navigate the world. Knowledgeable people often use these models to draw parallels between domains and gain new insights.

For instance, understanding the concept of compounding in finance might help someone grasp the exponential spread of information in social networks.

The concept of first principles of thinking is closely related to mental models. This approach involves reasoning from fundamental truths rather than by analogy.

Elon Musk famously used this method to revolutionize the space industry by breaking rockets into their essential components and reimagining how they could be built cost-effectively.

To incorporate these strategies, start building diverse mental models from various fields. When facing a challenge, identify the fundamental truths or principles rather than relying solely on existing solutions or analogies.

3. Embracing Metacognition and Intellectual Humility

Metacognition, or thinking about thinking, is a hallmark of high intelligence. It involves reflecting on one’s thought processes, assessing cognitive strategies, and adjusting them as needed. Intelligent individuals can optimize their mental processes for better outcomes by understanding how they think and learn.

Equally important is intellectual humility – the willingness to acknowledge the limits of one’s knowledge and remain open to new information. This trait allows knowledgeable people to continue learning and growing, even in areas where they already have expertise.

To develop these qualities, regularly reflect on your thinking processes. Ask yourself how you arrived at certain conclusions and whether your approach was practical. Cultivate a mindset of openness to new ideas and be willing to revise your beliefs in light of new evidence.

4. Cultivating Curiosity and Lifelong Learning

An insatiable curiosity is a common trait among knowledgeable individuals. They constantly ask questions, seek new knowledge, and explore diverse subjects. This curiosity drives them to engage in lifelong learning, continuously expanding their understanding of the world.

To foster curiosity, make a habit of asking questions about things you encounter in daily life. Explore topics outside your usual areas of interest. Set aside time for regular learning through reading, online courses, or engaging in intellectual discussions with others.

5. Honing Pattern Recognition and Adaptability

The ability to recognize patterns across different domains is a powerful cognitive skill. Knowledgeable people excel at identifying recurring themes and connections, which allows them to predict outcomes and make decisions more efficiently.

This skill is closely tied to adaptability – the capacity to apply intelligence flexibly in various environments and situations.

To improve your pattern recognition skills, practice looking for similarities and differences in seemingly unrelated areas. Try to draw connections between your experiences in different parts of your life. Embrace new challenges and environments to enhance your adaptability.

6. Developing Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness

Emotional intelligence—the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others—is increasingly recognized as a crucial component of overall intelligence. It encompasses self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

Mindfulness, the practice of maintaining present-moment awareness, complements emotional intelligence by helping manage cognitive resources effectively and staying attuned to mental and emotional states.

To develop these skills, practice self-reflection to better understand your emotions and their triggers. Work on identifying and empathizing with others’ feelings. Incorporate mindfulness techniques like meditation or focused breathing into your daily routine.

7. Practicing Deliberately and Learning from Failure

Knowledgeable people often engage in deliberate practice, focusing on specific areas for improvement and actively seeking feedback. They understand that intelligence isn’t fixed and can be enhanced through targeted effort.

Moreover, they view failures not as setbacks but as opportunities for growth and learning. This mindset allows them to take risks and persist in facing challenges.

To adopt this approach, identify specific skills you want to improve and create a structured plan for practicing them. Seek out constructive feedback and use it to refine your strategy. When you encounter setbacks, analyze them objectively to extract valuable lessons.

8. Optimizing Lifestyle Habits for Cognitive Enhancement

Intelligent individuals often recognize the profound impact of lifestyle on cognitive function. They prioritize habits that support brain health, such as regular physical activity, which enhances blood flow to the brain and promotes neuroplasticity.

Adequate sleep is another crucial factor, allowing the brain to consolidate memories and clear out toxins. Many knowledgeable people also practice meditation, which has been shown to improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance overall cognitive performance.

To optimize your lifestyle for better cognitive function, aim for regular exercise, establish a consistent sleep schedule, and consider incorporating meditation or mindfulness practices into your routine.

9. Boosting Intelligence Through Social Interaction

Engaging with others, especially those with diverse perspectives, can significantly stimulate cognitive abilities. Intelligent people often seek out challenging conversations and collaborative opportunities that push them to think in new ways.

Building and maintaining relationships also exercises essential cognitive and emotional skills, contributing to overall intelligence.

To harness the cognitive benefits of social interaction, actively seek out diverse perspectives. Engage in meaningful discussions, join interest groups or clubs, and collaborate on projects that challenge you intellectually.

10. Chunking: A Powerful Tool for Information Processing

Chunking is a cognitive strategy that organizes information into meaningful groups to enhance understanding and retention. Knowledgeable people often use this technique to manage complex information more effectively.

For example, one might group vocabulary words by theme or grammatical function when learning a new language. In mathematics, complex formulas can be broken down into smaller, more digestible parts.

To use chunking, look for patterns or categories in the information you’re trying to learn or remember. Group related items together and create meaningful associations between them.


The mental strategies employed by people who appear to be geniuses are not innate gifts but skills that can be developed and refined. By incorporating the techniques discussed in this article, you can enhance your cognitive abilities and approach problems more effectively.

Start small by focusing on one or two strategies at a time, and gradually build them into your daily life. With consistent effort and practice, you’ll be well on your way to thinking more like the highly intelligent individuals you admire.