People With Strong Discipline Know these 3 Keys to Success, According to Experts

People With Strong Discipline Know these 3 Keys to Success, According to Experts

Success is a goal that many strive for, but few achieve. While talent and luck certainly play a role, there are certain vital principles that people with solid discipline consistently leverage to reach their objectives. By understanding and applying these concepts, you, too, can significantly enhance your ability to attain your personal and professional aspirations.

1. Consistency: The Power of Steady Effort

One of the most critical components of success is consistency. This involves dedicating focused effort toward your key goals daily, regardless of your challenges or the lack of immediate visible progress.

Think of consistency as compound interest for your goals. Small, incremental gains may seem insignificant, but when accumulated over time, they produce remarkable results. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example. His unwavering commitment to daily workouts ultimately led to his crowning as Mr. Universe, demonstrating the incredible power of consistent effort.

To be more consistent in your pursuits:

Remember, success is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. Consistency is what will get you to the finish line.

2. Self-Discipline: Directing Your Mind and Actions

Closely tied to consistency is self-discipline, which is the ability to direct your thoughts, emotions, and actions toward achieving your goals despite discomfort or distractions. It’s about saying “no” to short-term temptations in favor of long-term benefits.

Research has shown that self-discipline predicts success better than IQ, particularly in academic settings. One study found that self-discipline accounted for more of the difference in students’ final grades than their intelligence scores. This highlights just how crucial self-discipline is in achieving objectives.

To cultivate more self-discipline in your life:

  • Define clear objectives and break them down into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Establish routines and systems that make discipline easier and minimize distractions.
  • Prioritize your tasks based on importance and urgency to meet critical goals.
  • Manage your time effectively by setting realistic deadlines and sticking to a schedule.

Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. Start small and build up your self-discipline over time.

3. Motivation: The Drive to Persist

The final piece of the success puzzle is motivation, which is the internal drive that propels you toward your goals. Motivation can come from within, such as personal satisfaction, or external factors, like rewards or recognition.

While both types of motivation have their place, intrinsic motivation tends to be more powerful and sustainable over the long haul. When intrinsically motivated, you’re more likely to persist even when things get tough because the drive comes from within.

To tap into your intrinsic motivation:

  • Set goals that are deeply meaningful to you and aligned with your values.
  • Regularly revisit your “why” – the core reasons you pursue your goals.
  • Focus on the journey and what you’re learning, not just the destination.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive people.

Motivation is the fuel that keeps you going. Ensure you’re running on high octane by connecting to your most profound, authentic drivers.

Case Study: Kathleen’s Journey to Becoming a Renowned Chef

Kathleen had always been passionate about cooking, but it wasn’t until she decided to pursue it as a career that she realized the importance of consistency, self-discipline, and motivation. As an aspiring chef, Kathleen knew that success in the culinary world would require unwavering dedication and hard work.

Kathleen committed to a daily routine of practicing various cooking techniques and experimenting with new recipes to hone her skills. She set clear goals for herself, such as mastering a new cuisine every month, and broke them down into smaller, manageable tasks. Despite the long hours and occasional setbacks, Kathleen remained consistent in her efforts, knowing that each day brought her closer to her dreams.

Kathleen’s self-discipline was tested when she enrolled in a prestigious culinary school. Balancing her studies, internships, and personal life required strict time management and prioritization. She learned to say no to distractions and focus on what mattered most: developing her culinary skills and building her reputation in the industry.

Throughout her journey, Kathleen’s motivation remained strong. Her love for cooking and desire to create memorable dining experiences for others kept her going, even during the most challenging times. She surrounded herself with supportive mentors and fellow chefs who shared her passion, fueling her drive to succeed. As Kathleen’s skills grew, so did her confidence and determination. Her consistent efforts, self-discipline, and unwavering motivation eventually paid off when she became a renowned chef, celebrated for her innovative dishes and dedication to her craft.

Key Takeaways

  • Consistency, self-discipline, and motivation are vital principles that highly disciplined people leverage to achieve success.
  • Consistency involves dedicating focused effort toward key goals daily despite challenges or lack of immediate progress.
  • Self-discipline directs thoughts, emotions, and actions toward achieving goals despite discomfort or distractions.
  • Research shows that self-discipline predicts success better than IQ, particularly in academic settings.
  • Motivation is the internal drive that propels individuals toward their goals and can be intrinsic (personal satisfaction) or extrinsic (external rewards).
  • Intrinsic motivation tends to be more powerful and sustainable over the long term.
  • Consistency, self-discipline, and motivation work together in a positive feedback loop, each element reinforcing the others.
  • By mastering the art and science of consistency, self-discipline, and motivation, individuals can develop the firm discipline that leads to remarkable success.


While consistency, self-discipline, and motivation are powerful, the magic happens when these three elements work together. Consistent efforts require self-discipline to maintain focus and resist distractions. Motivation provides the driving force to keep showing up, day in and day out.

By understanding and applying these same principles in your own life, you can, too, develop the kind of strong discipline that leads to uncommon success. Consistent, disciplined efforts, driven from a place of authentic motivation, can transform aspirations into reality and goals into accomplishments. The path is clear; the only question is, will you walk it? The rewards for those who do are truly remarkable.