People Who Get the Most out of Life Have These 10 Habits in Common

People Who Get the Most out of Life Have These 10 Habits in Common

In pursuing a well-lived life, we often wonder what sets apart those who seem to thrive effortlessly. What habits do they cultivate that lead to such fulfillment and success? While everyone’s path is unique, certain practices that many of those who get the most out of life have in common.

In this article, we’ll explore ten powerful practices backed by scientific evidence that can transform your life, too. Some may feel like natural fits, while others might push you outside your comfort zone. But rest assured, these habits aren’t about perfection. They’re about progress—incremental changes that compound over time to create remarkable outcomes.

1. Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude has the power to change lives. People who regularly take time to appreciate the good in their lives tend to be happier, more satisfied, and less prone to depression. Practicing gratitude rewires the brain to focus on the positive. It strengthens relationships as people feel valued when their kindness is acknowledged.

Start a gratitude journal and jot down a few things you’re thankful for daily. Send heartfelt thank you notes and verbalize your appreciation to loved ones. Make gratitude a daily habit and witness how it shifts your perspective over time. Life becomes richer when you realize how much to be grateful for.

2. Organizing and Planning

People who accomplish big things generally don’t leave much to chance. They strategize, organize, and plan. By bringing order to tasks and commitments, they prioritize the important stuff.

Start by defining clear goals. Break them down into actionable steps and schedule those steps on your calendar. Decide what to do with your time in advance instead of figuring it out on the fly. An organized approach reduces stress, conserves mental energy, and helps you stay on track, even when life gets hectic.

3. Continuously Learning

Lifelong learning keeps the mind agile. People who stay curious and seek opportunities to expand their knowledge base become better problem solvers. They see the world through a wider lens. The accumulation of diverse perspectives sparks innovation.

Read books and articles on various topics, even ones unrelated to your career. Take up a hobby that develops a new skill. Travel and immerse yourself in unfamiliar cultures. Attend lectures and conferences outside your industry. Be open to ideas that challenge your assumptions. When you commit to continuous learning, you discover that growth is a journey, not a destination.

4. Exercising and Staying Active

The mind and body are inextricably linked. People who prioritize fitness tend to have more energy, emotional resilience, and mental sharpness. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which elevate mood. It boosts the brain’s ability to focus and helps combat stress.

If the thought of a hardcore workout feels overwhelming, start small. Take a brisk walk on your lunch break. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator. Join a recreational sports league. The key is to find physical activities you enjoy enough to do them consistently. Your mental and emotional stamina will increase when you care for your body.

5. Maintaining a Positive Attitude

The lens through which people view the world impacts their experience of it. Folks who make a habit of positive thinking are more likely to persist through setbacks. They tend to interpret challenges as opportunities instead of threats. This optimistic mindset attracts others and opens doors.

Notice your self-talk. Are you prone to worst-case-scenario thinking? Challenge those thoughts with a more balanced narrative. Look for the silver lining in difficult situations. Celebrate small wins. Surround yourself with optimistic people. Positivity is like a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it grows.

6. Building Strong Relationships

People matter more than achievements or acquisitions. Those who cultivate deep relationships lead more prosperous lives. They have a strong support network to lean on during tough times. A sense of belonging boosts self-worth and buffers against loneliness.

Nurture your relationships with quality time and meaningful conversations. Build your professional network by attending industry events and offering your skills to others. Treat people with empathy and respect. Follow through on your commitments. Relationships rooted in trust and reciprocity bring joy and open up new possibilities.

7. Connecting with Nature

There is something profoundly grounding about the natural world. People who spend time outdoors often report feeling more at peace. Nature has a way of quieting the mind and recalibrating perspective.

Find green spaces near your home or work where you can escape. Take a hike in the woods and marvel at the ecosystem thriving without human intervention. Plant a garden and get your hands in the dirt. Eat lunch in the park and let bird songs be your soundtrack. Connecting with nature reminds us that we’re part of something bigger. It can be incredibly humbling and refreshing.

8. Setting Boundaries

People get more out of life when they’re intentional about spending their time and energy. That involves saying “no” to commitments that don’t align with their priorities or values and setting clear boundaries to protect their well-being.

Take stock of where you dedicate your resources. Do they reflect what’s truly important to you? Practice politely declining invitations that don’t excite you. Set limits on your accessibility, especially during personal time. Delegate tasks that someone else can handle. Boundaries are a form of self-respect. They help you stay focused on what matters most.

9. Prioritizing Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish; it’s a necessity. People who are chronically stressed, sleep-deprived, and overextended end up depleted. They have less to give, both personally and professionally. Prioritizing self-care allows them to show up fully.

Establish a consistent sleep schedule and bedtime routine. Nourish your body with whole foods, and stay hydrated. Make time for hobbies and activities that recharge you. Schedule regular check-ups and listen to your body’s signals. Investing in self-care gives you the stamina to handle life’s demands more clearly and resiliently.

10. Waking Up Early

Early risers tend to be more proactive and disciplined. The quiet morning hours allow space for uninterrupted reflection and strategic planning. With key priorities accomplished early, the rest of the day feels more manageable.

Experiment with inching your wake-up time back by 15-30 minutes. Create a morning routine that you look forward to, such as savoring a cup of coffee while watching the sunrise. Tackle your most important task first before distractions creep in. Waking up early is a simple habit that can significantly benefit productivity and personal growth.

Case Study: Karla’s Transformative Journey

Karla, a busy event planner, found herself on the brink of burnout. Her days were filled with endless to-do lists, leaving little time for self-care or personal growth. Determined to make a change, Karla began incorporating new habits into her daily routine.

She started by setting clear boundaries around her work hours and learning to say no to non-essential tasks. This allowed her to prioritize her well-being and devote time to activities that brought her joy, like exploring local hiking trails and joining a book club.

Karla also began practicing gratitude, taking a few moments each day to reflect on the positive aspects of her life. This simple habit helped her maintain a more optimistic outlook, even during stressful periods at work.

To fuel her personal and professional growth, Karla committed to continuous learning. She attended workshops on fascinating topics and sought out mentors in her industry. As she expanded her knowledge and skill set, Karla discovered new opportunities and felt more confident navigating challenges. By embracing these transformative habits, Karla avoided burnout and found greater fulfillment and success in her career and personal life.

Key Takeaways

  • Regular gratitude can increase happiness, life satisfaction, and resilience to depression. Keep a gratitude journal, send thank you notes, and verbalize appreciation.
  • Organizing tasks, setting clear goals, and planning reduce stress, conserve mental energy, and help maintain focus on priorities.
  • Continuously learning through reading widely, taking up new hobbies, traveling, and engaging with diverse ideas keeps the mind agile, expands problem-solving abilities, and sparks innovation.
  • Exercising and staying physically active boosts mood, focus, and emotional resilience. Start with enjoyable activities and build consistency.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude and optimistic mindset attracts opportunities and fosters persistence through challenges. Notice self-talk, find silver linings, and surround yourself with positive people.
  • Building strong relationships through quality time, meaningful conversations, empathy, and reliability create a support network and sense of belonging that enriches life.
  • Spending time outdoors connects you with nature, providing peace, groundedness, and a refreshed perspective. Find nearby green spaces to escape to regularly.
  • Setting boundaries on time, energy, and accessibility to align with priorities and values is a form of self-respect that enables focus on what matters most.
  • Prioritizing self-care through consistent sleep, nourishing foods, hydration, hobbies, and preventative healthcare provides the stamina and clarity to engage with life fully.
  • Waking up early creates uninterrupted time for reflection, planning, and productivity. Experiment with gradually moving wake times earlier and establish an enjoyable morning routine.


When these ten habits are practiced consistently, they create a solid foundation for a well-lived life characterized by gratitude, growth, connection, and purpose. But habits are not an all-or-nothing proposition. Start by choosing one area to focus on and build from there. Small changes, consistently implemented, lead to remarkable results over time. Getting the most out of life is taking one step at a time.