7 Frugal Habits Millennials Should Practice Now to Help Their Savings Reach $100,000

7 Frugal Habits Millennials Should Practice Now to Help Their Savings Reach $100,000

Did you know that, according to a survey by Bankrate, 34% of millennials have no emergency savings? This is the highest percentage of any generation. This indicates that a significant portion of this generation struggles with savings. This startling statistic highlights the financial challenges faced by many young adults today.

However, reaching a significant savings goal like $100,000 is possible with the right mindset and habits over time. This milestone can provide a solid foundation for your financial future, whether for a down payment on a home, starting a business, or securing retirement.

In this article, we’ll explore seven frugal habits millennials can adopt to boost their savings and work towards that six-figure goal. These habits aren’t about extreme deprivation but focus on innovative financial choices leading to substantial long-term benefits.

Incorporating these practices into your daily life will help you take concrete steps toward financial freedom and security. Let’s look at seven frugal habits that enable you to build a six-figure net worth.

1. Avoid Lifestyle Creep

Lifestyle creep, the gradual increase in spending as your income rises, is a silent wealth-killer that affects many millennials. It’s tempting to upgrade your lifestyle with each pay raise or promotion, but this habit can seriously hinder your savings goals.

To combat lifestyle creep, make a conscious effort to maintain your current standard of living even as your income grows. When you receive a raise, immediately allocate that extra money to your savings or investments before you have a chance to adjust your spending habits.

For example, if you get a $300 monthly raise, set up an automatic transfer of that amount to your savings account.

Consider creating a “lifestyle cap” for yourself. Decide on a comfortable but modest standard of living and stick to it, regardless of income increases. This doesn’t mean you can’t ever treat yourself, but it does mean being intentional about major lifestyle upgrades.

Living below your means will surprise you at how quickly your savings can grow.

2. Learn To Say No

In the age of social media and FOMO (fear of missing out), saying no to social invitations or trendy experiences can be challenging. However, learning to decline opportunities that don’t align with your financial goals is crucial for long-term savings success.

This doesn’t mean becoming a hermit or never enjoying life. Instead, it’s about being selective and prioritizing what truly matters to you. When faced with an invitation to an expensive night out or a lavish vacation, take a moment to consider whether it aligns with your financial goals.

Suppose it doesn’t; be honest with your friends about your priorities. You might say, “I’m saving for a down payment right now, so I’m cutting back on nights out. How about we have a potluck dinner at my place instead?”

By communicating your financial goals with friends and family, you may find others in similar situations and appreciate the opportunity for more budget-friendly socializing. This habit of saying no to unnecessary expenses can free up significant money for your savings goals.

3. Cook Meals at Home

The convenience of food delivery apps and dining out can take a massive bite out of your budget. By developing the habit of cooking meals at home, you can save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each year.

Start by learning a few simple, cost-effective recipes that you enjoy. Meal planning and bulk cooking can save both time and money. Set aside a few hours weekly to prep meals for the coming days. This will save money, help you eat healthier, and develop valuable culinary skills.

For inspiration, look for budget-friendly recipe blogs or YouTube channels. Many offer meal ideas that cost just a few dollars per serving. By replacing even half of your meals with home-cooked alternatives, you could save $200 or more per month – that’s $2,400 a year going straight into your savings!

4. Utilize the Public Library

Your local library is a treasure trove of free resources that can save money while enriching your life. Beyond just books, modern libraries offer a wide range of services that can replace many paid subscriptions and purchases.

Take advantage of free books, audiobooks, movies, and music rentals. Many libraries now offer digital lending services, allowing you to borrow e-books and digital magazines without leaving home. This can save you $50 or more monthly on entertainment costs.

Libraries also often provide free access to online learning platforms, language learning software, and professional development resources. Utilizing these services can save on education costs while continuing to invest in your personal growth.

Some libraries even offer free passes to local museums and cultural events, providing budget-friendly entertainment options.

5. Practice Mindful Purchasing

Impulse buying can quickly derail your savings goals. By practicing mindful purchasing, you can ensure that your spending aligns with your values and financial objectives.

Implement a “waiting period” for non-essential purchases. For items over a certain amount, say $50, give yourself a 48-hour cooling-off period before buying. This time allows you to evaluate whether the purchase is necessary or just a momentary want.

Create a prioritized “want list” for larger purchases. By writing down items you want and revisiting the list periodically, you can make more intentional decisions about where to allocate your discretionary spending. Often, items that seemed important at the moment lose their appeal over time.

Before making a purchase, ask yourself: “Will this item significantly improve my life?” and “Is this the best use of my money right now?” These simple questions can help you avoid unnecessary expenses and keep more money in your savings account.

6. Develop DIY Skills

Learning basic do-it-yourself skills can save you significant money on repairs and maintenance. While it’s important to know when to call in professionals, many tasks can be safely and effectively done independently with some knowledge and practice.

Start by learning simple home maintenance tasks like unclogging drains, fixing leaky faucets, or painting rooms. Then, learn how to change the oil or replace air filters in your car. These skills save money on service calls and empower you to take better care of your possessions.

Online tutorials, community college courses, and local workshops are great resources for developing these skills. For example, learning to change your oil could save you around $50 per oil change. If you do this thrice a year, you’ll save $150 annually—that’s just one skill!

7. Automate Your Savings

Automating the process is one of the most effective ways to boost your savings. Setting up automatic transfers to your savings account ensures that saving money becomes a priority rather than an afterthought.

Start by determining a percentage of your monthly income you can comfortably save. Even if it’s just 5% to start, consistency is critical. Set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to a high-yield savings account for the day after each payday.

As you get comfortable with this amount, gradually increase the percentage. You might be surprised at how quickly you adapt to living on less. Consider allocating raises and bonuses directly to savings before you can factor them into your budget.

Automating your savings removes the temptation to spend that money elsewhere and capitalizes on the principle of “paying yourself first.” Over time, this habit can significantly accelerate your progress towards your $100,000 savings goal.

The Math Behind Saving and Investing to Reach $100,000

Building up $100,000 in savings can feel daunting, especially when starting from scratch. However, understanding the power of consistent saving and compound growth shows that this milestone is entirely achievable with time and discipline. Let’s break down how to reach $100,000 by strategically saving and investing.

Consistent Savings: The Foundation

The first step to building significant savings is consistent contributions. Even if you start small, regular deposits can add up quickly. For example, saving just $200 a month adds up to $2,400 yearly. Over ten years, that’s $24,000 saved, even before considering any interest or investment growth.

The Power of Compounding

Compounding interest is the real key to growing your savings to $100,000. Your earnings start earning additional returns when you save money in a high-yield savings account or invest it in assets like index funds. Over time, this compounding effect can significantly accelerate your progress.

Let’s look at an example. Suppose you save $500 monthly and invest it with an average annual return of 7%. With the power of compound growth, you would reach approximately $100,000 in 11 years.

Consistent contributions and compounding interest make this milestone achievable without drastically increasing your savings rate. Staying committed over this period allows your money to grow significantly, showing how persistence and patience pay off in building substantial wealth.

Small Increases, Big Results

Increasing your savings rate as your income grows is a significant factor in reaching $100,000 faster. As mentioned earlier, you can gradually increase your monthly contributions by avoiding lifestyle creep. Even bumping your savings by $100 monthly can shave years off your timeline to $100,000.

Automating Your Savings for Consistency

One of the best ways to stay on track is to automate your savings. Set up automatic transfers to a dedicated savings or investment account so that money is consistently set aside before you can spend it. This method removes the decision-making step, ensuring that your savings grow steadily.

The Bottom Line

While reaching $100,000 might seem challenging, the math shows that with consistent saving, avoiding lifestyle creep, and letting your money grow through compound interest, this goal is within reach for anyone.

Whether you start with $100 a month or can afford to save more, the key is to start now and stay consistent. Over time, the small, disciplined choices you make today will lead to significant financial rewards.


Reaching a $100,000 savings goal may seem daunting, but by incorporating these seven frugal habits into your life, you’re setting yourself up for financial success.

Start small, focusing on one or two habits at a time, and gradually build up to implementing all seven. The key is consistency and patience.

These habits do more than help you save money; they foster a mindset of intentional living and financial responsibility that will serve you well throughout your life.

By avoiding lifestyle creep, learning to say no, cooking at home, utilizing public resources, practicing mindful purchasing, developing DIY skills, and automating your savings, you’re not just working towards a number – you’re building a foundation for long-term financial health and freedom.

Take the first step today. Choose one of these habits and commit to implementing it this week. Your future self will thank you for the financial security and peace of mind of a healthy savings account.

The journey to $100,000 starts with a single dollar saved – and with these habits, you’ll be well on your way to reaching and even exceeding your savings goals.