If You Want to Become a Happier Person in 60 Days, Start Doing These 9 Things Every Morning

If You Want to Become a Happier Person in 60 Days, Start Doing These 9 Things Every Morning

Are you looking to boost your happiness and overall well-being? Science suggests that incorporating specific morning habits into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional state. By consistently practicing these nine activities every morning for 60 days, you can cultivate a more positive outlook and lead a more fulfilling life.

1. Start Your Day with Gratitude

The moment you open your eyes each morning, take a few minutes to reflect on the things you are grateful for in your life. This simple practice has the power to shift your focus from the negative to the positive aspects of your day-to-day experiences. Writing down three things you appreciate can help cement a more optimistic mindset and set the tone for the hours ahead.

Gratitude has been scientifically proven to enhance overall mood and well-being. By regularly acknowledging the good in your life, you train your brain to seek out and recognize positive experiences more readily. This shift in perspective can lead to increased feelings of happiness, contentment, and resilience in the face of challenges.

2. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to get caught up in stress and worry. Incorporating a mindfulness or meditation practice into your morning routine can help mitigate these negative emotions and promote a greater sense of inner peace. Studies have shown that regular meditation can actually rewire the brain, leading to increased levels of happiness and reduced stress.

You don’t need to dedicate hours to reap the benefits of mindfulness. Even a short 5-10-minute session each morning can help center your mind and emotions, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. If your mind wanders, gently guide it back to the present moment without judgment.

3. Get Moving with Exercise

Exercise is a powerful tool for boosting happiness and overall well-being. When you engage in physical activity, your body releases endorphins and other feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters play a key role in regulating mood, and increasing their levels can help combat symptoms of anxiety and depression.

You don’t need to run a marathon or spend hours at the gym to experience these benefits. Even just 10 minutes of moderate exercise each morning can significantly improve your emotional state. Whether it’s a brisk walk around the block, a yoga session, or a quick strength training routine, find an activity that you enjoy and make it a consistent part of your morning.

4. Connect with Nature

If possible, try to combine your morning exercise with some time outdoors. Exposure to nature has been linked to a host of mental health benefits, including increased happiness, reduced stress, and improved cognitive function. The sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world can have a calming effect on the mind and help put daily worries into perspective.

If you live in an urban area, seek out nearby parks or green spaces for your morning walk or workout. Even just a few minutes spent among trees, flowers, and fresh air can help elevate your mood and start your day on a positive note.

5. Set Positive Intentions

Before diving into the day’s tasks and responsibilities, take a moment to set positive intentions for the hours ahead. This practice involves envisioning how you want your day to unfold and aligning your actions with these goals. By consciously choosing to focus on the good you wish to create and experience, you help manifest a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Your intentions can be as simple as “I will approach challenges with patience and resilience” or “I will spread kindness to those I encounter.” Write your intentions down in a journal or say them aloud as an affirmation. This act of setting positive expectations can help you navigate the day with greater clarity, focus, and optimism.

6. Pursue a Creative Passion

Engaging in a creative hobby is a wonderful way to start your day on an uplifting note. When you immerse yourself in an activity you genuinely enjoy, whether it’s painting, writing, playing music, or crafting, you enter a “flow state.” In this state of deep focus and engagement, you lose track of time and experience a profound sense of fulfillment.

Making time for creative pursuits each morning can help you tap into this flow state and carry its positive effects into the rest of your day. You’ll approach challenges with greater clarity and resilience, having given yourself the gift of joyful self-expression first thing.

7. Limit Social Media Use

In our digitally connected world, it’s tempting to reach for your phone and start scrolling through social media the moment you wake up. However, research suggests that excessive social media use can negatively impact mental health, leading to increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and FOMO (fear of missing out).

Instead of diving into the digital world first thing, consider starting your day with more enriching offline activities. Read a chapter of an inspiring book, write in your journal, or enjoy a mindful cup of coffee. By delaying your social media check-in, you give yourself the opportunity to start the day with intention and focus on what truly matters.

8. Practice Acts of Kindness

One of the quickest ways to boost your own happiness is to do something kind for someone else. Acts of generosity and compassion have been scientifically proven to increase feelings of joy, connection, and purpose. By making kindness a part of your morning routine, you set yourself up for a day filled with positive emotions.

Your acts of kindness don’t need to be grand gestures. Simple things like sending an encouraging text to a friend, helping a neighbor with their groceries, or leaving a generous tip for your barista can all contribute to a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment. As you spread positivity to others, you’ll find that it naturally comes back to you in spades.

9. Smile and Embrace Positivity

The simple act of smiling, even when you don’t necessarily feel like it, can have a powerful effect on your mood. The physical act of smiling triggers the release of endorphins and other feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain, helping to reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness.

Couple your morning smile with positive self-talk and an optimistic outlook. Instead of focusing on potential challenges or worries, choose to embrace the opportunities and joys that the day may bring. By consciously shifting your language and thoughts in a positive direction, you help train your brain to seek out and savor the good in life.

Case Study: How Rosa Found Happiness Through Morning Habits

Rosa, a busy accountant, had always struggled with stress and feelings of unfulfillment in her daily life. Despite her successful career, she often found herself feeling anxious and overwhelmed, wondering if there was more to life than just work and responsibilities. Desperate for a change, Rosa decided to take control of her mornings and implement a new routine.

She began by setting her alarm 30 minutes earlier each day, using that extra time to practice gratitude and mindfulness. Rosa started writing down three things she was thankful for every morning, and she dedicated 10 minutes to meditation, focusing on her breath, and letting go of any worries or negative thoughts.

Next, Rosa incorporated exercise into her morning routine. She began with a simple 15-minute yoga flow, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of her workouts over time. On weekends, she made a point to exercise outdoors, finding a nearby park where she could jog or walk amidst nature. Rosa also started setting positive intentions for her day, visualizing how she wanted to feel and what she hoped to accomplish.

As the weeks passed, Rosa noticed a significant shift in her overall well-being. She felt more energized, focused, and resilient throughout the day, and her stress levels had decreased dramatically. By making these simple changes to her morning routine, Rosa transformed her life, finding the happiness and fulfillment she had always longed for. Now, she greets each day with a smile, knowing that she has the tools and mindset to handle whatever challenges come her way.

Key Takeaways

  • Incorporating specific science-backed habits into your morning routine can significantly boost happiness and overall well-being.
  • Start each day with gratitude by reflecting on or writing down things you appreciate, as this practice shifts your focus to the positive aspects of life.
  • Engage in mindfulness or meditation, even for just a few minutes, to reduce stress, increase happiness, and set a positive tone for the day.
  • Exercise in the morning to release endorphins and other happiness-inducing chemicals, helping to manage anxiety and depression.
  • Spend time in nature, combining it with exercise when possible, as exposure to natural environments can increase happiness and reduce stress.
  • Set positive intentions for the day by envisioning how you want it to unfold and aligning your actions with these goals.
  • Pursue a creative hobby in the morning to induce a fulfilling “flow state” and carry its positive effects into the rest of your day.
  • Limit social media use first thing in the morning, opting for more enriching offline activities to start the day with intention and focus.
  • Practice acts of kindness, such as sending encouraging messages or helping others, to increase feelings of joy, connection, and purpose.
  • Smile, even when you don’t feel like it, and use positive language to trigger the release of endorphins and promote optimism.
  • Consistency is key; commit to practicing these habits every morning for 60 days to cultivate lasting change and a more fulfilling life.


By incorporating these nine scientifically-backed habits into your morning routine, you set the stage for greater happiness and well-being. Remember, lasting change takes time and consistency. Commit to practicing these activities every morning for 60 days, and be patient with yourself as you cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life. As you make these habits a regular part of your day, you’ll find that happiness becomes not just a fleeting emotion but a permanent way of being.